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Helping people find Dojo since 2004
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Site Map of Dojo Directory

You may use this site map to quickly locate features and pages available on's Dojo Directory.

  • Dojo Locator Home Page

    The home page is a good starting point for finding Martial Arts Schools. You can search and locate Dojo straight from this page. It also introduces you to some of the interesting features of dojo locator.

  • Search Martial Arts Schools in Dojo Directory

    The search page provides all options available to search the Dojo Directory for Martial Arts Schools. It also explains how certain features work so you may find Martial Arts Schools more effectively.

  • Number of Martial Arts Schools in Various States in the USA

    This page shows all the states in the USA and the number of Martial Arts Schools listed in them. You may choose to view a list of Cities or Counties in any State and the number of Martial Arts Schools listed in them.

  • Top Cities in the USA with Highest Number of Martial Arts Schools

    Ever wondered which cities in the USA had the highest number of Martial Arts Schools? This page shows you the chart of top 10 Cities in the USA. You may also select any State and see the top 10 Cities in that State.

  • Top Counties in the USA with highest Number of Martial Arts Schools

    This page is about the top Counties in the USA with highest number of Martial Arts Schools. You may also select any State and view the top Counties in that specific State.

  • Most Common Dojo Names

    See a list of top 50 most commonly used Dojo names. It may help you choosing a not so common name for your Dojo. It also indicates the top Martial Arts Franchises in the USA.

  • Listing your Dojo with Dojo Directory

    If you are associated with a Martial Arts School, please make sure it is listed with Dojo Locator's Dojo Directory. Thousands of people visit Dojo Directory every day and search for Martial Arts Schools. This page helps you get your Dojo Listed on Dojo Locator.

  • Offer Martial Arts Directory Search on your own Website

    If you have a Martial Arts related website, consider including the powerful dojo search feature of dojo locator on your website. All you need is to include snippet of HTML code that we provide on your web page, and your visitors will be able to search the Dojo Directory directly from your Website. Its a great way to enhance your website and support the Martial Arts Community.

  • Contact Us

    Please contact us if you there is a problem you found on the site, or you have a suggestion, comment, or even a compliment! Please let us know, so we can improve.

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Top Martial Arts Styles

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