Fairmont School of Martial Arts
Seieikan karate is a hard style martial arts! We are under the organization of Don Madden "All Amercian Karate Do Union". We strive to be the best and put the training into getting there! We are a highly competitive martial arts academy! Come see what a winning team is all about! Ages 4-100 welcome!
Middletown Mall
9429 W Mill S
Fairmont, WV 26554
United States
Phone: 304-777-9226
Martial Art Styles
The following Martial Arts Styles are offered at Fairmont School of Martial Arts:
Programs & Class Schedule
Mondays & Wednesdays
5 pm - 6 pm: 6 & under
6 pm - 7 pm: 6+
2 pm - 3:30 pm - All ages
Have a Question?
Would you like more information on hours, classes and programs available at Fairmont School of Martial Arts? Please contact the school with your questions.
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