Ishi Yama ("stone mountain") Battōjutsu is a unique American expression of traditional Japanese swordsmanship developed by Russell McCartney Sensei, the Chief Instructor of Ishi Yama Battōjutsu, through a combination of traditional kata (forms), modern day target cutting practice, and combative point sparring. The style was refined after several decades of research, personal insight, and practice in Toyama-ryū, Nakamura-ryū, Ryuseiken, Musō Shinden-ryū, Aikidō and Aikijutsu, Karate-dō, Wing Chun, and Tai chi.
Ishi Yama Battōjutsu's form and style are manifest through spontaneous logic, reason and practicality; the practice not only draws upon several martial traditions, but is also inspired by the patterns and rhythms of nature. The result is an art form characterized by dynamic and fluid movements which utilize multiple angles of engagement while cultivating a unification of body, breath, mind, instrument, and spirit.