The foundational principle as taught at the Aikido Center is “blending”. Blending, or harmonizing, with every situation is paramount to being “in control” of yourself and your surroundings. We emphasize this point through every technique, movement, exercise, and discussion. Even though we practice a Martial Art consisting of very effective self defense tactics that can inflict serious injury we are always practicing how to move “off the line of attack”, how to “blend with the attackers movements”, and how to stay “relaxed in your decisions and movements”.
At the Aikido Center, we always work on a “matted” floor system so it is safe and comfortable to practice. Since much of what we do in Aikido involves taking your partner to the mat with an Aikido technique, the very first thing we teach you is how to “remove the fear” of falling that you have developed over the years. In addition, we give you very specific techniques that will allow you to fall anywhere without injury.
The Aikido Center also has unique philosophy as a 'teaching dojo'. Being a teaching dojo means that we are always focused on the student as a 'potential teacher'. Our focus on the 'student as teacher' means we use a teaching methodology that breaks down concepts and techniques into easily understandable blocks of training that can be easily mastered by anybody. These 'blocks' can then be stacked onto other teachings for greater understanding of how to teach the same techniques and concepts to somebody else some day. Instead of making the lessons complicated and less accessible, which is a common tactic in some schools, we do our best to encourage future teachers and leaders through our training and atmosphere.