Training gives a greater feeling of security through physical fitness, self-confidence and self-discipline by providing a peace of mind attained by very few people.
Self-defense is essentially the arts of Tae Kwon Do and Judo which focuses on protective techniques. This involves training of both body and mind for the greatest possible level of attainment.
Patience will allow the student to develop a level of self-control that will enable them to avoid unnecessary violence. There are goals to the training that go far beyond the physical and mental development of the martial art techniques. These goals are self-confidence, peace of mind, discipline and control.
Health is the most important asset in everyone’s life. The health benefits of training include the elimination of excess weight, provide muscular development and develop coordination.
Dear Readers:
I appreciate your interest in Yu’s Martial Arts. I am pleased to provide you this information about our studio. This brochure should answer most of you questions. If you require additional information, please give me a call anytime.
Sincerely yours,
Master Byong H. Yu