Learn the art of Aikijutsu, developed by the Samurai on the battlefields of Japan, adapted by the Yama Kei Ryu for the battlefields of today.
What is Aikijutsu?
Aikijutsu is a martial art form that was developed and used by the highest ranking Samurai to protect the dignitaries and Emperors of Japan. Aikijutsu is a highly effective means of self-protection for men, women and young adults. The Art of Aikijutsu uses techniques and principles that form the basis of today’s Aikido and Judo. The system focuses on the use of technique, leverage, and strategy instead of brute force and muscle. The system utilizes joint locks, throws, grappling, pins, impact techniques, pressure points, arrest and restraining techniques as well as various weapons.
Yama Kei Aikijutsu is taught in an atmosphere of mutual respect and learning. It is an ideal place to study an art that strives for and develops: Self-control, Spiritual Growth, Self-confidence, Patience, Discipline, Motivation, Strategy, Conditioning of Mind, Body, and Spirit.
Instructor--Shihan : Ronald Moore, MA, MSW
Moore Sensei began his martial arts career in 1964. He has studied Shito-Ryu Karate, Wing Chung Kung Fu, and Batto Jutsu (Japanese Sword). He holds advanced instructor rank in Aikijutsu and is a board member of the Yama Kei Ryu. His seminars have been received with broad acclaim. Shihan Moore continues to expand his martial arts education by participating in planning and teaching at martial arts seminars up and down the West Coast.