Warrior Scholar Kenpo
Purpose: To provide a source of martial arts instruction during the day for people who cannot go to martial arts classes during the late afternoon and evening hours.
About Kenpo: Kenpo is a systemized and eclectic form of self defense derived from kung fu. Kenpo is an amalgamation of animal styles that has undergone many changes as it was passed on to Okinawa and Japan then Hawaii and finally mainland U.S.A.
2400 Austin's Colony Parkway
Bryan, TX 77802
United States
Phone: 979-587-5642
Martial Art Styles
The following Martial Arts Styles are offered at Warrior Scholar Kenpo:
Programs & Class Schedule
Where: Lessons will be held at any number of available locations within our public parks. Advantages to this are the ability to train for more realistic situations and lower cost. A disadvantage is of course exposure to various weather conditions. There are a number of covered areas that will minimize the disadvantage.
Cost: $40/month for 5 hours of lessons per week.
When: Monday through Friday. Time slots per day: 9:00 to 10:00a.m. 10:00 to 11:00a.m. 11:00a.m. to 12:00p.m. 1:00p.m. to 2:00p.m.
Why: Increased physical fitness and mental capacity. Improved odds of defending against aggressors.
Who: My name is Brian Leonard. I’m a second degree black belt in Kenpo Karate under 7th degree black belt Cliff Dillehay. I have over 20 years of experience practicing martial arts and I’m still learning. I’m currently adding to my knowledge and skills by studying Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and MMA at the BVMMA gym. I try to cross train in other martial arts to be more well rounded and recommend others to do the same.
Contact: If interested please contact me to arrange a week of free introductory lessons. Cell Phone: 979-587-5642. Please leave a message and I will call back.
Have a Question?
Would you like more information on hours, classes and programs available at Warrior Scholar Kenpo? Please contact the school with your questions.
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