This page shows Reviews & Testimonials of Tai-Zen Academy of Self-Defense in Selden, NY. 58 Reviewer rated Tai-Zen Academy of Self-Defense as Very Good. Read detailed reviews below.
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Average Rating: Very Good (58 Reviews)
- Quality of Instruction:
- Excellent
- Other aspects:
- Excellent
56 out of 58 Reviewer recommended Tai-Zen Academy of Self-Defense.
Just what I was looking for
Nov 26 2024 by Will (Active Student with 1 - 3 Years Experience at this school)
- Quality of Instruction:
- Excellent
- Other aspects:
- Excellent
- Recommended:
- Yes
(23 of 24 People found this review helpful)
Practical Self Defense
Nov 19 2024 by Rich G (Active Student with 3 - 6 Months Experience at this school)
- Quality of Instruction:
- Excellent
- Other aspects:
- Excellent
- Recommended:
- Yes
I am relatively new to Tai-Zen. I took the basic self defense course and was impressed by the quality of instruction and extremely useful techniques that are taught. I now attend the intermediate class and am loving every minute of it. Most of the class are black belts and are willing to take the time to make sure that you are learning proper techniques. Hanshi Romeo has a toolbox full of self defense techniques that work. and he teaches all the elements to help you be successful.
I recommend Tai-Zen to anybody that is interested in self defense and practical martial arts.
(1 of 2 People found this review helpful)
I am Chief Grandmaster Willing
Nov 05 2024 by Matt Willing (Former Student with 10+ Years Experience at this school)
- Quality of Instruction:
- Good
- Other aspects:
- Good
- Recommended:
- Yes
I see you left your name off of your comment about me. If you have the courage to put your name in, I would like to see you say this to my face. Or are you just a cowardly keyboard warrior? I would love to meet you at your dojo. I will contact Hanshi Romeo and arrange to meet you personally.
He got a fake black belt from Matt Willing a loser who couldn't make it at Tai-Zen so he made up a phony system to sell phony black belts Cronin had to pay for it like all the other phony black belts there No one at that system can fight there way out of a paper bag. Willing was so fat, I'm surprised he can throw a kick. A system of smelly LOSERS who can't fight!!
(32 of 33 People found this review helpful)
More of the same, from the SAME troll…
Oct 24 2024 by J. Smith (Former Student with 5 - 10 Years Experience at this school)
- Quality of Instruction:
- Excellent
- Other aspects:
- Excellent
- Recommended:
- Yes
The "review" below is from the SAME TROLL.
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(1 of 34 People found this review helpful)
Excellent self-defense where all are respected
Oct 23 2024 by A martial artist (Former Student with 5 - 10 Years Experience at this school)
- Quality of Instruction:
- Excellent
- Other aspects:
- Excellent
- Recommended:
- Yes
Tai-Zen will teach you the best self-defense. Wonderful people taught by incredible instructors. Best of all is the way BIPOC and LGBTQIA2S+ students are taught to defend themselves against racist and homophobic/ transphobic bullying. An all around excellent school!!
(40 of 41 People found this review helpful)
More of the same, from the SAME troll…
Oct 04 2024 by J. Smith (Former Student with 5 - 10 Years Experience at this school)
- Quality of Instruction:
- Excellent
- Other aspects:
- Excellent
- Recommended:
- Yes
The "review" below is from the SAME TROLL.
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(1 of 41 People found this review helpful)
A Place of Self-Defense and Acceptance
Oct 03 2024 by Tai-Zen Lover (Former Student with 1 - 3 Years Experience at this school)
- Quality of Instruction:
- Excellent
- Other aspects:
- Excellent
- Recommended:
- Yes
The hateful comments of some below are NOT representative of Tai-Zen. The instructors were all about DEI before there was such a thing. I’m unaware of the persons mentioned. All I know is that Tai-Zen will accept ALL people who want to learn self-defense regardless of race, nationality, creed, sex, gender identity, and sexual orientation. The horrific things said about people, especially Hanshi is deplorable!
Hanshi loves diversity and inclusion. He is probably too upset to respond. Join Tai-Zen and realize how wonderful it is!!
#Noplaceforhate #Lovewins
(35 of 39 People found this review helpful)
Coward Cronin and phony black belt
Sep 23 2024 by Tai-Zen 4ever (Active Student with 5 - 10 Years Experience at this school)
- Quality of Instruction:
- Excellent
- Other aspects:
- Excellent
- Recommended:
- Yes
Glad Cronin was called out for trash talking Tai Zen. He smelled so bad even his white trash mother needed to get rid of the smell. If you look at his feet you can see the scratch marks where she tried to get him with the coat hanger. His whole family died because of the smell and everyone is happy for that He got a fake black belt from Matt Willing a loser who couldn't make it at Tai-Zen so he made up a phony system to sell phony black belts Cronin had to pay for it like all the other phony black belts there No one at that system can fight there way out of a paper bag. Willing was so fat, I'm surprised he can throw a kick. A system of smelly LOSERS who can't fight!!
(43 of 44 People found this review helpful)
John Cronin aka John coward
Sep 17 2024 by Valhalla Viking (Former Student with 10+ Years Experience at this school)
- Quality of Instruction:
- Excellent
- Other aspects:
- Excellent
- Recommended:
- Yes
Cronin leaving tai-zen was a great idea for all the students who have a sense of smell
Basically his body odor made my eyes tear and to this day I can still taste him in the back of my throat
It gave me migraines. He seems to have knowledge of the underground gay s&m scene . I believe he was known to trying to repeal the nys law prohibiting fisting
Claiming that getting fisted is not only his greatest pleasure due to the fact that he was in high demand because he could take it to the elbow . He smelled like a fruit
Meat, milk and maggots were placed in a clear garbage bag and laid out in the summer sun for a week
He was covered in dandruff and his teeth were yellow and needed to be power washed. I have a friend who is a correctional officer at rikers island he said the Cronin was braiding people’s hair to avoid being assaulted
He basically insulted pig pen from Charlie Brown by smelling worse than he did . He left tai-zen and decided to buy his black belt from an inferior school. I hated anytime he he had to put his oily dirty hands on me to practice techniques which he was atrocious at . I used to dump bleach on myself after class to try to get his scent off me, it didn’t work . If he’s a lawyer defending a corpse
The corpse would come to life and ask for new counsel
His glasses were covered with oil from his face, I had no idea how he could even see
Maybe that accounted for his terrible technique
I’m in the process of hiring a lawyer myself to sue Cronin for emotional damages because his scent damaged my ability to smell something and not relate it to his overwhelming body odor
I think that if a court ruled in my favor it would be impossible to be
Financially compensated because I’m sure his wife takes all his money and spends it on her boyfriend
And I can’t blame her. In closing my advice to the free world is this
If you smell him coming grab your family and leave the area immediately to avoid being traumatized by his smell
(45 of 46 People found this review helpful)
Troll John Judas Cronin
Sep 17 2024 by Thomas Aquinas (Active Student with 10+ Years Experience at this school)
- Quality of Instruction:
- Excellent
- Other aspects:
- Excellent
- Recommended:
- Yes
The OP “Troll” = John Judas Cronin of West Hempstead, pedagogue at Garden City, First Vice President GCBS, attorney on paper and proficient vile commentor of the Internet.
Attacking Tai-Zen has become a real past time of yours for the last 12 years due to the fact you were not considered for the rank of black belt because you’re a non-performer. This is of not fault other than your own, and writing slurs to folks on the review pages is your retort? As a self-proclaimed Man of God this is quite confusing.
I wonder how the Garden City School Superintendent @ Kusum Sinha would feel about all your perverted posts as well as the parents of the grammar school children whom sit in front of you daily.
“To the living we owe respect, but to the dead we owe only the Truth”
The Truth to the dead being Bobby and your Mother is that your check book bought you a black belt - you are a disgrace and should be embarrassed.
(42 of 43 People found this review helpful)
Review comment and invitation for Bill
Sep 14 2024 by John Dotzler (Active Student with 10+ Years Experience at this school)
- Quality of Instruction:
- Excellent
- Other aspects:
- Excellent
- Recommended:
- Yes
“Bill” you are hilarious. You seem to have a lot of time on your hands. If you are this upset about not getting your black belt here just come down and talk about it. Bring your instructor that gave you your black belt once you left here and we can discuss how you still suck and what a coward you are. If it’s more convenient I could come to your school. I will come alone just reach out and tell me what day works best for you.
John Dotzler
(43 of 45 People found this review helpful)
More of the same, from the SAME troll…
Sep 13 2024 by J. Smith (Former Student with 5 - 10 Years Experience at this school)
- Quality of Instruction:
- Excellent
- Other aspects:
- Excellent
- Recommended:
- Yes
The "review" below is from the SAME TROLL.
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(1 of 50 People found this review helpful)
Excellent self-defense for LGBTQIA—straight people look elsewhere
Sep 07 2024 by Bill (Familiar with the School , No Personal Experience at this school)
- Quality of Instruction:
- Excellent
- Other aspects:
- Excellent
- Recommended:
- Yes
After seeing the reviews and claims these reviews were from a troll, I checked out a class in Bellmore. Gay people should join, but as a straight man, it is not for me.
The school is run by an old, bald guy named Lenny Romeo, who is about 80 years old (literally). Most men in their 80s are retired and drinking prune juice to keep regular—but Lenny has found a different way to keep his bowels active.
Looking around, the class is mostly upper middle-aged and elderly men who give off such a strong homosexual vibe, I thought I was in the geriatric section of the Gay Men’s Health Crisis.
He begins the class by saying, “10% of people are gay and there’s 20 of us here, so two of us are gay. (Long pause) Aw, hell, it’s way more than that at Tai-Zen!” The class erupted into laughter.
Lenny then asks another black belt to come up and demonstrate a technique. They started grabbing and squeezing each other all over, like two cell mates in prison seeing each other for the first time after spending six months in solitary confinement. Lenny said his “Master” in Suffolk taught him this technique. I Besides sounding very BDSM, I can’t imagine where it would be used outside of a gay bath house in Greenwich Village. The whole class was told to practice the technique and it looked like an uncensored love scene for the sequel to “Brokeback Mountain. ”
There were two female black belts, but they looked like they might be transgender. If you do find a heterosexual woman in this place, she probably went through menopause over 30 years ago.
If you’re LGBTQIA it’s excellent. If not, you might want to look elsewhere. Definitely made me uncomfortable as a straight male.
(47 of 48 People found this review helpful)
More of the same, from the SAME troll…
Sep 03 2024 by J Smith (Former Student with 5 - 10 Years Experience at this school)
- Quality of Instruction:
- Excellent
- Other aspects:
- Excellent
- Recommended:
- Yes
The "review" below is from the SAME TROLL.
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(1 of 51 People found this review helpful)
This school will save your life—physically and mentally
Sep 02 2024 by Howard (Former Student with 3 - 5 Years Experience at this school)
- Quality of Instruction:
- Excellent
- Other aspects:
- Excellent
- Recommended:
- Yes
Tai-zen is a great place to learn self-defense, so needed in our increasingly violent world. It is also the most accepting place on earth. As a Jewish, autistic, Demi-romantic, queer, trans-man submissive, Hanshi Romeo taught me how to both accept myself and defend myself from transphobic and homophobic bullies.
Forget the haters who claim the positive reviews are fake!! Check it out for yourself!!
(67 of 68 People found this review helpful)
More of the same, from the SAME troll…
Jul 17 2024 by J. Smith (Former Student with 5 - 10 Years Experience at this school)
- Quality of Instruction:
- Excellent
- Other aspects:
- Excellent
- Recommended:
- Yes
The "review" below is from the SAME TROLL.
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(1 of 69 People found this review helpful)
Learn to be safe in a safe space
Jul 17 2024 by Mick (Former Student with 5 - 10 Years Experience at this school)
- Quality of Instruction:
- Excellent
- Other aspects:
- Excellent
- Recommended:
- Yes
I read with disgust and disbelief that some troll is accusing the positive reviews of being the work of a troll. As a former student, I can state unequivocally that Tai-Zen is the best at teaching self-defense to all and provides a safe space for minority groups to study. This includes the many LGBTQIA people there. I’m proud to call the Instructors my “Brothers and Sisters of the Rainbow. ” 🌈 Thank you all for what you do to make this world a safer place.
(74 of 75 People found this review helpful)
More of the same, from the SAME troll…
Jul 14 2024 by J. Smith (Former Student with 5 - 10 Years Experience at this school)
- Quality of Instruction:
- Excellent
- Other aspects:
- Excellent
- Recommended:
- Yes
The "review" below is from the SAME TROLL.
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(1 of 77 People found this review helpful)
An Excellent Place to Learn Self-Defense
Jul 12 2024 by Lenny (Active Student with 3 - 6 Months Experience at this school)
- Quality of Instruction:
- Excellent
- Other aspects:
- Excellent
- Recommended:
- Yes
This school is a needle of gold in a haystack of mediocrity. Most schools teach martial arts as sports. Tai-Zen teaches you how to stay safe in real life and stay within the law. I’m so excited every time I go there! I’m getting my boyfriend to join as well.
(89 of 90 People found this review helpful)
More of the same, from the SAME troll…
Jun 18 2024 by J. Smith (Former Student with 5 - 10 Years Experience at this school)
- Quality of Instruction:
- Excellent
- Other aspects:
- Excellent
- Recommended:
- Yes
The "review" below is from the SAME TROLL.
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(2 of 93 People found this review helpful)
A Great School for Self-Defense
Jun 15 2024 by Bobby (Former Student with 1 - 3 Years Experience at this school)
- Quality of Instruction:
- Excellent
- Other aspects:
- Excellent
- Recommended:
- Yes
I studied with Master Tague for 3 years in the early 2000s. In reading through these reviews, I just wanted to say that the quality of both the art and the instructors was first rate. All who want to learn self-defense should go here. The large number of homosexuals who study and teach should have no bearing whatsoever on the school. What people do in their private lives is their personal business. The school is great and that’s all that counts. Check out Tai-Zen. You won’t be disappointed.
(95 of 96 People found this review helpful)
More of the same, from the SAME troll...
Jun 09 2024 by J. Smith (Former Student with 5 - 10 Years Experience at this school)
- Quality of Instruction:
- Excellent
- Other aspects:
- Excellent
- Recommended:
- Yes
The "review" below is from the SAME TROLL.
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(1 of 100 People found this review helpful)
“J Smith” is a Troll—Check out the School for Yourself
Jun 07 2024 by Greggy (Active Student with 10+ Years Experience at this school)
- Quality of Instruction:
- Excellent
- Other aspects:
- Excellent
- Recommended:
- Yes
Tai-Zen is the most pure form of self defense that anyone could ever learn. Everyone who wants to defend themselves and their families should join. I was angered by the homophobic troll “J Smith” claiming others are trolls. Check out the school in Bellmore or Selden for yourself. The black belts welcome ALL DECENT PEOPLE WHO WANT TO DEFEND THEMSELVES. That they are attuned to the particular needs of the LGBTQIA community is legendary. Visit during Pride Month when the queer joy gets cranked up to another level! Everyone is accepted for who they are at Tai-Zen!
(108 of 109 People found this review helpful)
More of the same, from the SAME troll...
Jun 03 2024 by J. Smith (Former Student with 5 - 10 Years Experience at this school)
- Quality of Instruction:
- Excellent
- Other aspects:
- Excellent
- Recommended:
- Yes
The "review" below is from the SAME TROLL.
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(2 of 109 People found this review helpful)
No Troll Here—Just the Straight Scoop
Jun 02 2024 by Mike (Former Student with 1 - 3 Months Experience at this school)
- Quality of Instruction:
- Good
- Other aspects:
- Good
- Recommended:
- Yes
The person claiming a troll is here, is himself a troll, because he obviously never visited the school. I did, and it’s very uncomfortable. The school in Nassau has a guy named Romeo teaching. The actual techniques looked really good, and they would most likely work. However, the constant harping on how LGBTQIA people need self-defense the most, and the statistics to support it, makes it seem like it’s only for gay people. Straight men will most likely not want to stay; I didn’t. I actually trained a couple of weeks before I couldn’t take it. If you didn’t keep your wrist straight on a grab technique, Romeo would say “don’t make a homo-wrist unless you’re interested in me” The humor was appreciated by the students (most of whom were probably LGBTQIA) but it was another uncomfortable situation for me. Only go here if you’re not bothered by a very strong LGBTQIA emphasis.
(110 of 111 People found this review helpful)
More of the same, from the same troll…
May 12 2024 by J. Smith (Former Student with 10+ Years Experience at this school)
- Quality of Instruction:
- Excellent
- Other aspects:
- Excellent
- Recommended:
- Yes
The "review" below is from the SAME TROLL.
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(2 of 107 People found this review helpful)
A Great School to Learn Self-Defense
May 10 2024 by Pat C. (Former Student with 3 - 5 Years Experience at this school)
- Quality of Instruction:
- Excellent
- Other aspects:
- Excellent
- Recommended:
- Yes
As I’ve been looking through these reviews, I felt compelled to comment. The bottom line is that a Tai-Zen school is where you want to go to learn how to defend yourself. Master Tague and all the instructors are wonderful teachers. Tai-Zen teaches you techniques that can save your life (literally). I studied there back in the 90s for a few years before I relocated away from Long Island.
What I find disturbing are the people who claim that the reviews left by those praising the school’s diversity are the product of “trolls”—or actually just one troll. How would anyone think that? I wish I had a business with one or more “trolls” recommending it and getting me more followers and money!!
Those protesting the reviews are, in my opinion, those who didn’t like the fact that Tai-Zen accepts all students and doesn’t discriminate. It was well known that Jim Rice, a student at Wolcott Rd back in the 90s was in the process of becoming a woman. So what? That’s his life and his choice. Many students and instructors are not heterosexual. Who cares who they love? Some idiots left because of it, and say disparaging things. These are the “trolls” who claim the good reviews are fake. One such person, who I know longer talk to, called Tai-Zen a “Homo-Dojo. ” Hateful jerk.
Forget about everything EXCEPT that Tai-Zen is the place to be for self-defense. PERIOD.
(124 of 127 People found this review helpful)
More of the same, from the same troll
Apr 26 2024 by J. Smith (Former Student with 5 - 10 Years Experience at this school)
- Quality of Instruction:
- Excellent
- Other aspects:
- Excellent
- Recommended:
- Yes
The "review" below is from the SAME TROLL.
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(3 of 127 People found this review helpful)
An Excellent School—Please Ignore the Bigots
Apr 25 2024 by Frankie C. (Former Student with 10+ Years Experience at this school)
- Quality of Instruction:
- Excellent
- Other aspects:
- Excellent
- Recommended:
- Yes
I am a passionate student of Tai-Zen, and I was angered by the fake, homophobic review by “J Smith. ”
(John Smith? Can you get any more original?). The many excellent reviews by LGBTQIA students, like me, are far from “nonsense. ” It is a FACT that Tai-Zen helps all people to defend themselves, but there is a special emphasis and compassion for those of us who must fight against homophobic and transphobic bullies, so prevalent today.
I urge all people, but especially members of the LGBTQIA Community, to join Tai-Zen and see how many other members of our Community study. See what great Allies we have in Hanshi Meyer, Hanshi Romeo, and Master Tague!
These three great Black Belts and leaders were raised during a time when society wanted to keep LGBTQIA persons in “the closet. ” It took tremendous courage and fortitude for them to accept students of all genders and sexualities. “Mr. Smith” considers this “nonsense”??? A homophobic troll. There are many of his ilk in the martial arts who will denigrate the LGBTQIA Community within a school, without attacking the martial art itself.
It is a FACT that Hanshi Meyer and Master Tague have lived together for years. It is a FACT that Hanshi Romeo has a special “bromance” with Kyoshi Amorosi; spending much time alone together, even while Hanshi is technically married. Many of us in Tai-Zen have openly wondered if they love each other but cannot express it openly because of the fear of repercussions coming from bigots and as a result of growing up in a different era. I saw at least one commenter saying the same below.
It’s a FACT that these great men welcome the LGBTQIA Community with open arms. You don’t see Hanshi Romeo, Hanshi Meyer, or Master Tague coming here to denounce LGBTQIA people, or deny that they will teach us and welcome us because they are not homophobic. Ignore “Mr. Smith, ” the one really spouting NONSENSE. Tai-Zen Pride and Gay Pride Forever!!
(120 of 124 People found this review helpful)
A great school that teaches real world self-defense
Apr 23 2024 by J. Smith (Former Student with 5 - 10 Years Experience at this school)
- Quality of Instruction:
- Excellent
- Other aspects:
- Excellent
- Recommended:
- Yes
All of these reviews regarding the trans/gay community are complete nonsense. If you see any other reviews for this school regarding the trans/gay community, completely ignore them, as they are all being written by the same Internet troll.
Regarding the school itself, it is by far the best defense orientated self-defense school that I have ever personally seen or heard of, and I have trained in various forms of martial arts for over 30 years. If you are looking to learn effective self-defense, look no further.
(2 of 55 People found this review helpful)
Great Self-Defense Taught With Humor and Compassion
Apr 16 2024 by Karen (Active Student with 1 - 3 Months Experience at this school)
- Quality of Instruction:
- Excellent
- Other aspects:
- Excellent
- Recommended:
- Yes
As a biological male transitioning to female, I decided to check the dojo out given all the reviews here. They are extremely LGBTQIA friendly, indeed! Hanshi Romeo is a fabulous instructor who always has a smile on his face and tells jokes! I asked him why he’s always so happy. He said, “As Grandmaster Tague says, ‘In Tai-Zen, you can never be too gay!” Lol!! Gotta love that kind of humor! Highly recommended
(1 of 53 People found this review helpful)
Good school but too much emphasis on Gay Pride
Mar 23 2024 by Dan M (Former Student with 1 - 3 Years Experience at this school)
- Quality of Instruction:
- Very Good
- Other aspects:
- Very Good
- Recommended:
- Yes
The self defense you will learn here is excellent. Unfortunately, there is overemphasis on LGBTQIA issues. Maybe they should call themselves the “Gay Martial Art. ” It is uncomfortable for me, as a straight male, to go there. If you’re LGBTQIA, you will thrive with many others. If not, look elsewhere for instruction.
(1 of 51 People found this review helpful)
Lessons to be learned in self-defense and in life
Mar 11 2024 by B. G. (Former Student with 5 - 10 Years Experience at this school)
- Quality of Instruction:
- Excellent
- Other aspects:
- Excellent
- Recommended:
- Yes
I attended Tai-Zen for approximately 8 years when my work and family obligations made it no longer possible to take classes. This is one school where rank doesn’t matter. Hanshi Romeo told me “If you want my belt, take it. ” It’s the practical real world self-defense you learn that matters. In regards to what others have said, while I’m personally straight, most of my dojo buddies (and instructors) were gay, bisexual, or questioning. It was wonderful to see people accepted for who they are, and instructors not afraid to show their emotions. Hanshi Romeo and Grandmaster Tague are truly in touch with their feelings. Neither one is afraid to openly cry. They are truly 21st century men. There is no better dojo than Tai-Zen.
(2 of 55 People found this review helpful)
Tai-Zen= Rainbow Self-Defense for All!
Feb 14 2024 by Mike (Former Student with 5 - 10 Years Experience at this school)
- Quality of Instruction:
- Excellent
- Other aspects:
- Excellent
- Recommended:
- Yes
I studied under both Hanshi Romeo and Grandmaster Tague for quite some time. I moved away from the NY area when I retired and I really miss it. They taught me (as a gay man) how to defend myself against attacks from homophobes, and gave me the ability to walk away from mere taunts with my head held high, knowing that if my tormentors were foolish enough to try something physical, I could handle myself. What a gift!!
I recommend this system to all decent people who want to defend themselves, but especially to those of the LGBT Community. I agree with all my LGBT friends below, who bear witness to how forward thinking and kind Hanshi Romeo and Grandmaster Tague were. They were probably afraid of how they themselves would be treated. It’s no secret that Grandmaster Tague and Hanshi Meyer have lived together for years. Hanshi Romeo spent more time with Kyoshi Amorosi than his wife. If they love each other, I hope they can now express that love, unfortunately looked down upon by society for too long.
(2 of 57 People found this review helpful)
A One Of A Kind Gem!
Dec 30 2023 by Todd (Active Student with 10+ Years Experience at this school)
- Quality of Instruction:
- Excellent
- Other aspects:
- Excellent
- Recommended:
- Yes
This school is the best in teaching self-defense that keeps you safe and within the law. It provides members of the LGBTQIA Community with a safe space to protect themselves against homophobic attackers. Many years ago in the Levittown school with Kyoshi (now Hanshi) Romeo, there was a young man who went by the nickname of “Rice. ” He was seeking a sex change to become a woman. This was unheard of in the early 1990s. Other “macho man” martial art schools would have expelled him. Kyoshi Romeo hugged him tenderly and supported his decision! Tai-Zen is truly a martial art of self-defense for LGBTQIA people. There are many members of the Community who study and are black belts/instructors. Unfortunately, they keep it under wraps because they are older and society was bigoted when they were seeking acceptance. A great place to study and highly recommended.
(2 of 57 People found this review helpful)
The Best Dojo on Long Island
Dec 03 2023 by Jack (Active Student with 10+ Years Experience at this school)
- Quality of Instruction:
- Excellent
- Other aspects:
- Excellent
- Recommended:
- Yes
This dojo teaches self-defense for use in the real world. It is also a great place to meet other men, as it is very accommodating to the Gay Community. I was a clown, but the discipline that was instilled in me made me a better person! It will do the same for anyone who joins.
(2 of 57 People found this review helpful)
A Dojo for Defense and Self-Discovery
Nov 02 2023 by Frank (Former Student with 10+ Years Experience at this school)
- Quality of Instruction:
- Excellent
- Other aspects:
- Excellent
- Recommended:
- Yes
Tai-Zen will teach you to defend yourself against attacks of any kind. You will not be sorry if you join. I am obese and made up for my insecurities by being a jerk and screaming at people. The instructors taught me to love myself the way I am. Not just obese, but gay. I found nothing but support from the LGBTQ Community here. Tai-Zen is a special place teaching a one-of-kind self-defense. I haven’t been there in some time, as my life became busy, but I plan to return soon!
(2 of 57 People found this review helpful)
A Unique Dojo Accepting of All
Oct 15 2023 by Bruce (Former Student with 10+ Years Experience at this school)
- Quality of Instruction:
- Excellent
- Other aspects:
- Excellent
- Recommended:
- Yes
As I read through these reviews, I agree with how amazing Tai-Zen truly is as a martial art. I can no longer train due to personal reasons, but I wish I could. Hanshi Romeo and Grandmaster Tague had us perform the same technique for months at a time to achieve perfection. As a sign on the dojo wall stated, “Practice makes PERMANENT. Prefect practice makes perfect”! It is a real world, practical study of the opponent in battle. I recommend it to all who want to learn self-defense.
I also agree with how open-minded and accepting Tai-Zen is of marginalized people. As a bisexual male, I was made to feel at home by Hanshi. There are many who love each other there. Two black belts got married after meeting in class; so maybe it’s also a “marital art”!! I was told my sexuality would never hold me back—and it didn’t. This is really a safe space for LGBTQ students. Tai-Zen taught me how to fight, and apparently, how to love!!
(56 of 57 People found this review helpful)
Teaching real world self defense
Jul 05 2023 by Blackbelt w 30 yrs exp (Active Student with 10+ Years Experience at this school)
- Quality of Instruction:
- Excellent
- Other aspects:
- Excellent
- Recommended:
- Yes
I have studied over 5 different forms of martial arts over the last 35 years. This is the only school which allows you to question anything being taught and does not just expect you to follow blindly. You are taught a technique based on karate as well as jiu jitsu. It does not expect the opponent to just stand there while you hit him with multiple strikes. It expects him to react when he has the time to do so and teaches you techniques that are beyond his ability to react as well as others that expect him to react as a normal person would. The techniques are also discussed in the context of the laws of nys and analyzed by legal professionals. It is a one of a kind school teaching what none of the other schools I have attended teach. It teaches real life self defense for real life situations. It will not give you a black belt in 2 or 5 or maybe 10 years unless you earn it on your merit. It is a one of a kind dojo with amazing instructors.
(3 of 58 People found this review helpful)
Be Careful of the Real Fakes
Jun 23 2023 by A Person (Familiar with the School , No Personal Experience at this school)
- Quality of Instruction:
- Excellent
- Other aspects:
- Excellent
- Recommended:
- Yes
I’m aquatinted with Tai-Zen. I have a friend who went their and has only good things to say. In reading through these reviews, I was surprised to see “smh” and Joe T claim that reviews praising the diversity of the school are the alleged product of an “obviously mentally disturbed individual. ” The reviews praise the instructors and the Tai-Zen system. How does that make those reviews the product of someone “obviously mentally disturbed. ”? You are mentally disturbed if you praise Tai-Zen? Or is it that, in spite of claims of being open to all, smh and Joe T are homophobic? If I had a business that was positively reviewed, I couldn’t care less about who wrote it.
Joe T claims that because a reviewer wasn’t certain about something and said it was “according to rumor” that makes all his claims false. Really? I checked Jim R’s citation within his review and it was spot on accurate. Maybe he said “according to rumor” because he didn’t know that for a fact. Nothing wrong with that. Moreover, how does Joe T know “ have not been any homosexuals or transgender students” at the schools? Does he ask them and require “proof” of sexual orientation? Does he follow them around 24/7?
These two are to be ignored. I’m sure if those reviews praising the diversity of Tai-Zen were “wrong” the Chief Instructor would not hesitate to comment here.
(53 of 56 People found this review helpful)
Please the ignore fake reviews
Jun 23 2023 by smh... (Active Student with 10+ Years Experience at this school)
- Quality of Instruction:
- Excellent
- Other aspects:
- Excellent
- Recommended:
- Yes
When reading these reviews, please ignore those false reviews that have been written by an obviously mentally disturbed individual, who is signing their reviews using different names. This person does not now, nor has ever represented Tai-Zen.
The instructors at Tai-Zen strongly believe that all decent people should have the right to self-defense, regardless of their race, gender, or sexual orientation.
If you are interested in learning self-defense, you will find that a Tai-Zen dojo will help you gain the skill to do so in a non-competitive, professional and friendly atmosphere. The time spent in training will certainly not be wasted.
(49 of 52 People found this review helpful)
Response to review by Jim R
Jun 23 2023 by Joe T (Active Student with 10+ Years Experience at this school)
- Quality of Instruction:
- Excellent
- Other aspects:
- Excellent
- Recommended:
- Yes
The review submitted on Jun 07 2023 by Jim R is completely false. Tai-Zen welcomes people from all walks of life but there have not been any homosexuals or transgender students at the Selden or Belmore schools.
Please take note of the following line from the review by Jim R:
"but rumor has it that when same-sex marriage was legalized, both Grandmaster Teague and Hanshi Romeo wore rainbow colored gis and proclaimed, “Love is love. ”
The phrase "but rumor has it" should give an indication that Jim R's claims are fabricated.
(2 of 54 People found this review helpful)
The Best in Self-Defense and Inclusivity
Jun 21 2023 by Joe (Active Student with 10+ Years Experience at this school)
- Quality of Instruction:
- Excellent
- Other aspects:
- Excellent
- Recommended:
- Yes
In this great system, you will learn the value of self-defense. Tai-zen teaches you how to handle yourself in all situations, from minor annoyances to life-threatening situations. You develop confidence and discipline that you’ll find nowhere else, since this is training that applies to real life, not some “tournament. ” I’m also not afraid to come to this school as who I really am and express myself. Tai-Zen strives to create an open, inclusive, and equal environment in which every student has the opportunity to flourish. You will not be judged on your skin color, ethnicity, gender, gender expression, or any other reason.
Grandmaster Tague is a genius and Hanshi Romeo is as good an instructor as you will find anywhere. Both these great men are not afraid to express their feelings and make all people feel welcome, including the LGBTQ Community. I have never felt unwelcome because of my sexuality. I can’t thank them enough.
(40 of 41 People found this review helpful)
Tai-Zen is simply the finest school on Long Island.
Jun 20 2023 by DaveP (Active Student with 10+ Years Experience at this school)
- Quality of Instruction:
- Excellent
- Other aspects:
- Excellent
- Recommended:
- Yes
I’ve been attending Tai-Zen in Bellmore for 20 plus years.
learn self defense, consequences of your actions, be a more self confident person, Come down and sign up, or watch a class. You’ll be welcomed by attentive instructors and students.
(41 of 41 People found this review helpful)
The absolute best self-defense school. Lucky to have found it.
Jun 20 2023 by W.S. (Active Student with 10+ Years Experience at this school)
- Quality of Instruction:
- Excellent
- Other aspects:
- Excellent
- Recommended:
- Yes
I would wholeheartedly recommend Tai- Zen Academy of Self-Defense to anyone looking to learn practical defense techniques in a friendly, professional environment with excellent and knowledgeable teachers. The instructors there are talented, expert and experienced.
You want to learn how to defend yourself? This is the spot. It is mentally engaging and no bullshit.
Hanshi Romeo does a excellent job of running the Bellmore school, he is a great instructor and all-around great person. Grand Master Tague is a genius and has shared so much wisdom. I have learned invaluable insights into the mechanics and psychology of self-defense. Classes are focused on techniques that would work in real life settings and situations. I am fortunate to be associated with Tai-Zen. Confidence is priceless.
(2 of 55 People found this review helpful)
Tai-Zen Welcomes All
Jun 17 2023 by Dave P. (Former Student with 5 - 10 Years Experience at this school)
- Quality of Instruction:
- Excellent
- Other aspects:
- Excellent
- Recommended:
- Yes
Tai-Zen is the best means of real world self-defense. I agree with all the positive reviews and the couple of negative reviews should be ignored, as they were probably written by people with a personal animus against the instructors. I admit I had tears in my eyes reading the review of Jim R. below. I studied in Tai-Zen from circa 1992-2002 and it was hard being a homosexual. Kyoshi Romeo (now Hanshi), helped me to come to terms with it and come out.
Hanshi Romeo and I spent many hours discussing the plight of LGBTQ persons. He encouraged me to be proud of my homosexuality! The other instructors and students were warm and welcoming to me! I learned so much about defending myself from homophobic bullies while forming close relationships with the men. We all laugh together as well as cry, being unafraid to show our emotions. Grandmaster Tague taught about the “context of power. ” If you see a man wearing a black leather jacket, smoking and having tattoos, he must be tough (according to society). If you see a man eating an ice cream cone and reading a comic book, he must be a wimp (according to society). The truth is that size, looks etc, has nothing to do with being a “real man” and defending yourself.
I urge all members of the LGBTQ Community to join Tai-Zen and be welcomed as you learn to defend yourself! There were many homosexuals there when I studied, and were all welcomed by Hanshi Romeo. He and Grandmaster Tague celebrate diversity ! I wish more lesbians would join. There are now at least two female Black Belts! Although I moved to California and can no longer go there, I miss it. Do yourself a favor and join today!
Everyone who studies there is rightfully proud. Proud of their accomplishments, and proud of being welcoming to ALL. Tai-Zen Pride includes Gay Pride!
(38 of 38 People found this review helpful)
Best place to learn Martial Arts
Jun 15 2023 by Alex S (Former Student with 10+ Years Experience at this school)
- Quality of Instruction:
- Excellent
- Other aspects:
- Excellent
- Recommended:
- Yes
I was a student here for over 20 years!! Only reason I stopped attending was a move to Florida. This school is run by top martial arts instructors with decades of experience. They teach you how to react in real life situations. Great place for children and adults to learn how to defend yourself. They also build your confidence in certain situations and show you the methods to use to defend yourself.
(34 of 34 People found this review helpful)
Tai-Zen Self-Defense, A Brotherhood on Long Island
Jun 15 2023 by Mike G (Active Student with 10+ Years Experience at this school)
- Quality of Instruction:
- Excellent
- Other aspects:
- Excellent
- Recommended:
- Yes
I have been a student of Hanshi Romeo for the last 35 years. I cannot
express how grateful I am for the gift the study of Tai-Zen has given me.
Aside from the confidence and the ability to defend myself in many different
types of confrontations, I have developed deep bonds and friendships with quite
a few of my fellow students over the years.
What more could one ask for from a self-defense school? Tai-Zen has been one of the best decisions I have ever made.
(34 of 34 People found this review helpful)
Best in Self-defense
Jun 15 2023 by C. Debello (Former Student with 5 - 10 Years Experience at this school)
- Quality of Instruction:
- Excellent
- Other aspects:
- Excellent
- Recommended:
- Yes
Tai-Zen is a great place to learn how to protect yourself. The instructors are great!! Students are encouraged to progress at their own rate. Instruction is centered on dealing with real-life situations people may encounter. Highly recommend for children and adults.
(35 of 35 People found this review helpful)
Tai-Zen prepares you for battle and life
Jun 15 2023 by Dean G (Active Student with 10+ Years Experience at this school)
- Quality of Instruction:
- Excellent
- Other aspects:
- Excellent
- Recommended:
- Yes
I have been a student of Tai-Zen for well over 30 years. During that time I have taken long hiatus' due to work, injuries, etc. I have always been welcomed back with open arms. Master, Tague, Hanshi Romeo and the entire Tai-Zen family care about their students and make you feel like you belong.
The confidence I have gained from this art literally changed my life. I can say from first hand knowledge that the systems and mindset taught at this school prepare you for any battle that may come your way.
I highly recommend stopping in and taking an introductory class.
(33 of 33 People found this review helpful)
I recommend Tai-Zen.
Jun 15 2023 by Chris (Active Student with 5 - 10 Years Experience at this school)
- Quality of Instruction:
- Excellent
- Other aspects:
- Excellent
- Recommended:
- Yes
I strongly recommend Tai-Zen. The study changed my life. At the school, I learn from the best when it comes to self-defense and my training has helped me in the real world. I have a genuinely deep respect for the instructors. I know that the instructors and the other students at Tai-Zen truly care about me as a person. Beyond the self-defense training which has been so valuable to me, I have also gained much from a mental standpoint. Tai-Zen has helped me be a better person and allowed me to deepen my confidence in myself. Tai-Zen is a one of a kind school for anyone that seeks to learn self-defense and make wonderful friends along the way. Thank you Hanshi Romeo, you are the best.
(34 of 34 People found this review helpful)
Real Self-defense for all levels
Jun 15 2023 by JL (Active Student with 10+ Years Experience at this school)
- Quality of Instruction:
- Excellent
- Other aspects:
- Excellent
- Recommended:
- Yes
A great place to learn effective self-defense. Great atmosphere and people to work with. Instructors are very knowledgeable and highly experienced.
(2 of 56 People found this review helpful)
Best Dojo for LGBTQ Students
Jun 07 2023 by Jim R. (Former Student with 3 - 5 Years Experience at this school)
- Quality of Instruction:
- Excellent
- Other aspects:
- Excellent
- Recommended:
- Yes
This dojo teaches practical self-defense that can help you in real life situations. Other dojos are mostly about martial arts as a sport or for exercise. Tai-Zen teaches pure self-defense based on mechanics of movement. Most importantly, both Grandmaster Teague (Selden dojo) and Hanshi Romeo (Bellmore dojo) are allies of the LGBTQ Community! This is important because LGBT people are nine times more likely than non-LGBT people to be victims of violent hate crimes. (See https://williamsinstitute. law. ucla. edu/press/lgbt-hate-crimes-press-release). With so much rampant homophobia, it’s wonderful to see Grandmaster Teague and Hanshi Romeo enjoying teaching homosexuals and transgender persons how to defend against the violence spurred on by bigotry and hatred. It is important for me to feel respected, and LGBTQ persons will get such at Tai-Zen! I urge all homosexuals and transgender people to go Selden or Bellmore and train! Tell Grandmaster Teague or Hanshi Romeo your preferred pronouns! I haven’t trained in some time because worked required me to move out of NY, but rumor has it that when same-sex marriage was legalized, both Grandmaster Teague and Hanshi Romeo wore rainbow colored gis and proclaimed, “Love is love. ”
(55 of 57 People found this review helpful)
Excellent school offering real world self-defense
Feb 08 2022 by Pete (Former Student with 5 - 10 Years Experience at this school)
- Quality of Instruction:
- Excellent
- Other aspects:
- Excellent
- Recommended:
- Yes
This school is excellent, has great instructors and delves very deeply into the study of self-defense on both a physical and legal level. It has been around for 60+ years for a reason. Unfortunately I had to relocate for employment purposes, but I can tell you that what I learned at this school helped me to defend myself on more than one occasion. The training is extremely thorough and can be quite difficult until you have acquired the skill, at which point it becomes easy for you, and most importantly, effective.
The two negative reviews surprised me, and are probably written by someone that couldn't make the rank they felt they deserved, so they felt the need to bash the school. Whether they actually had the skill and ability to wear the rank that they think they deserved, is suspect.
During training, analogies may be used to help explain certain points, and I suppose some people get caught on the analogies, and can't see past them. Regarding the instructors leaving, that isn't true, as I spoke with someone that I used to train with, and they assured me that it isn't so.
Ignore the naysayer(s?). If you're looking to learn how to defend yourself, this school is a gem. If I were still living on Long Island, there is nowhere else I would want to train. I highly recommend this school if you are seeking self-defense instruction.
(5 of 75 People found this review helpful)
A Cult Not A Dojo —Beware
Feb 02 2022 by Bob (Former Student with 3 - 5 Years Experience at this school)
- Quality of Instruction:
- Poor
- Other aspects:
- Poor
- Recommended:
- No!
This dojo and the one in Belmore are run by two old men, Howard Teague (in his 80s) andLenny Romeo (in his 70s). You may not question what they teach and are expected to adopt all their opinions on topics not related to the martial arts. Promotions are given out based on who Howie and Lenny like. One guy was promoted from 3rd degree Black Belt to 9th degree bypassing 4th through 8th degree. If you question them you get expelled.
(6 of 66 People found this review helpful)
I heard all the students left after promotions were given. People who had to work there for years or passed over
Jul 27 2021 by unsatisfied customer (Former Student with 1 - 3 Years Experience at this school)
- Quality of Instruction:
- Average
- Other aspects:
- Average
- Recommended:
- No!
I heard all the students left after promotions were given. People who had to work there for years or passed over. I heard all the instructors left except for one or two.
(52 of 54 People found this review helpful)
A Gem on Long Island
Apr 12 2016 by G. Richardson (Active Student with 10+ Years Experience at this school)
- Quality of Instruction:
- Excellent
- Other aspects:
- Excellent
- Recommended:
- Yes
This school teaches no non-sense effective self-defense. It is not sport orientated, but rather geared specifically for real life self-defense situations. It is one of, if not the oldest school on Long Island. Every instructor has over 20 years of experience, and offers personal instruction, within a group setting, to each student. I highly recommend this school to anyone that is looking for self-defense training.
(53 of 54 People found this review helpful)
An excellent system for learning self defense.
Mar 20 2016 by D. John (Active Student with 10+ Years Experience at this school)
- Quality of Instruction:
- Excellent
- Other aspects:
- Very Good
- Recommended:
- Yes
I am always fascinated by how much there is to learn at this school. You are allowed to transition to more advanced abilities at your own rate, guided by truly experienced instructors. This system of self defense is direct to the point and has been proven to me through my own personal experience to be most effective over many other "styles".
I've practiced a number of martial arts over many years, and I heard about Tai-Zen from a friend of mine. I checked out a class in Selden, and was impressed by their defensive and legal approach to self-defense. The instructors teach in a direct and practical manner that is easy to understand. The techniques can be performed by anyone at any age, and I was equally impressed with this aspect, as it doesn't require a high level of athleticism. I have been attending classes there now for a few years, and I have to say that I am happy with what I have been learning, and I am also always looking forward to the next class. Highly recommended for straight forward practical self-defense.