Welcome to Soaring Eagle Karate. I will be very excited to be teaching you, or/and your family, the wonderful art of Tang Soo Do Moo Duk Kwan; The China hand taught in the house of martial virtues. My name is Ross Burnell Houck, Jr. and I have been in the martial arts for a little under 20 years. I have a 5th Dan in Moo Duk Kwan under Master John Riehl.
My interest in the martial arts came to me at a very young age when my father taught me freestyle wrestling and grappling. Through the years I trained mainly in Tang Soo Do/Moo Duk Kwan which is the academic approach to our school. I teach Moo Duk Kwan, but I have been trained through the years to use anything that works and have envoked other styles into my own training (Grappling, Kenpo, Arnis, and Judo to name a few)
I am a member of the Martial Training Fellowship where all styles are welcomed and experienced. Our group is a gathering of all styles free from politics; wanting to share techniques and philsophies to help strengthen the role of martial science in our society. You can also contact us on Facebook by searching Soaring Eagle Karate and friend us. Hope to see you soon.