At the Rockland Matsubayashi-Ryu Dojo we practice traditional Okinawan Karate-Do, Matsubayashi Shorin-Ryu, under the direction of Yoshitaka Taira, Hanshi, 10th Dan, as it developed around Tomari Village, was passed down from the early Masters and was shaped into a specific style founded by Grandmaster Shoshin Nagamine in 1947.
Our classes are intense and will improve your endurance both mentally and physically. We practice kata and kumite (sparring), applications, and basics while improving our stretching, strength and general health.
David Troup Sensei holds the rank of Godan (5th-degree Black Belt) in the WMKA and owns a current WMKA-issued dojo-owner’s license. Troup received his Godan in November of 2022 from a board composed of the three highest-ranked teachers in the WMKA: President Yoshitaka Taira, Hanshi, 10th Dan; Vice President Toshimitsu Arakaki, Hanshi, 10th Dan; and Iwao Tome, Hanshi, 9th Dan.
He was tested for his 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Dans by the late Soke Takayoshi Nagamine (1945–2012), 10th Dan Hanshisei, the son of Matsubayashi-ryu’s founder Grandmaster Shoshin Nagamine.
David Troup Sensei trained from 1987 through 2005 under Owen Masters Sensei, Renshi, Rokudan (6th-degree black belt) in the WMKA, and the late Max Crevani Sensei, Kyoshi, Hachidan (8th-degree black belt) in the WMKA, at the Shorin-Ji Bushido on West 72nd Street in New York City.
Both Owen Masters and Max Crevani Senseis were students of Zenko Heshiki Sensei, Kyoshi, who had been a student of the late founder of Matsubayashi Shorin-Ryu, Grandmaster Shoshin Nagamine.
More information on Matsubayashi-ryu may be found here: