Budo Taijutsu, the martial art taught at Rhode Island Ninjutsu Center, draws its history from ancient Japan. The Bujinkan is the organization in Japan run by Soke, Grandmaster Dr. Masaaki Hatsumi. By joining our form of martial arts, you will be accompanying yourself with a distinct lineage of great warriors.
Roger Giannini is a 5th degree black belt which was awarded to him by Dr. Hatsumi. He is proud to consider himself a student and teacher of the ways of the ninja.
With over two decades of experience in Ninjutsu, Mr Giannini is a teacher who provides a great wealth of knowledge. This martial art is a fit for all ages- as it doesn't rely on physical strength but body movement for success.
If you think this martial art may be for you, please come in for a free intro. You may call (401)580-2400 or just stop in Tues-Thurs between 6:45 and 8:45.
Roger Giannini is also a licensed massage therapist and teaches Women's Self Defense at the Learning Connection in Providence.