Raja Naga Academy is a Martial Arts school in Rockvale, TN, that specializes in the deadly art of Pencak Silat. Silat is one of the most well rounded combat systems in the world. Our style focuses on real self defense with empty hand, bladed and blunt force weapons, ground fighting and multiple attackers. For more info on our school visit learnsilat.net.
Guru Derek Owings holds the Guru rank in PCK Silat under Guru Besar Jerry Jacobs, the Grandmaster of PCK. He started his Silat journey back in 1998 and has been teaching since 2001. Raja Naga Academy was founded in 2004 in Murfreesboro, TN.
Guru Derek studied extensively for 26 years under Guru Besar Jerry Jacobs and has also had supplemental training with Guru Ismail Sujadi, Cecep Rahman (from John Wick 3) as well as numerous other teachers.
Guru Derek sits on the Board of Directors for Pukulan Cimande Kombinasi International as the North American and Tennessee Director, has received the Gold Sash Award which is the highest achievement award possible in PCK and is also a Guru of the World Kali-Silat Society.