Online School - Learn from one of the top instructors in the nation to defend yourself against opponents looking to injure you or your family. Learn how you can take down and choke out opponents twice your size. Learn techniques used to disable attackers quickly.
People want to learn how to stop bullies dead in their tracks or finish off an attacker who is bigger and stronger with just a few techniques. You need to know how to fight and how to defend yourself. The right training is what you need to protect yourself and your family.
A Life or Death Situation Could Happen to You Sometime in Your Life!!
This is very serious to have someone confront you meaning to do you harm. Women: If you do not have a few quick and hard hitting techniques to knock your opponent down your situation gets very dangerous. Men: The same can be said if someone attacks you looking to rob you or maybe even trying to hurt a family member.
We also have a system to bully proof your child. The techniques we teach will give your child self confidence to stand up to bullies and not back down from the torment. Bullies will move on to someone easier if your child has the self confidence to stand up for themselves.
My son was in second grade and had been taking Jiu Jitsu for 8 months. One of the 3rd graders was picking on my sons friend in line. My son went up to him even though the kid was taller and bigger he said you need to leave my buddy alone or else you are going to have a problem. The kid said get out of my face you second grader. My son got back in line and that kid never bothered his buddy or my son again. Confidence and not being afraid makes it less likely to be a target of a bully.