Aikido is a system of training that has continually evolved since it was inspired by Morihei Ueshiba Sensei in Japan around 1930. Ueshiba (1883-1969) was a student of Sokaku Takeda (1859-1943), the foremost Daito-ryu jujutsu exponent of his time. Ueshiba derived Aikido largely from Daito-ryu as well as other martial systems, incorporating a philosophy of oneness.
Visually aikido can be identified by it's execution of throws, pins, and unique body movement. What is not seen by the naked eye is it's efficient use of the body to focus ones power. That efficiency is based on the following principles: timing, distance, posture, relaxation, extension, breath, and centering.
We are members of the Capital Aikido Federation , an independent association of aikido dojo. Our technical director and founder is Clyde Takeguchi Shihan. CAF ranks are recognized by Aikikai Hombu Dojo and the International Aikido Federation.
Our dojo features a 64 tatami mat, dedicated areas for boxing & fitness training, separate changing rooms for men & women, and several sitting areas. Free parking is available all around the building.