PERFORMANCE FITNESS: is located at 83 E Bridge St Oswego NY and specializes in self-defense training including Kyokushin Karate, DT Lab, Grappling / MMA for overall strength, conditioning and awareness.
KYOKUSHIN KARATE: Karate literally translates to “empty hand”. Kyokushin is a style of Karate developed by Mas Oyama based upon courtesy, respect and diligence and is known for its hard training and full contact sparring and translates to “ultimate truth”. Performance Fitness Kyokushin Karate is in N.A.K.O. under Kancho Henrioh. Kyokushin is more than just punching and kicking, it’s a mindset, it is about instilling the positive “yes I can” attitude and teaches you no matter what obstacle lye in front you anything is possible with ALOT of hard work. Kyokushins philosophy is to push your self to the limit and beyond and never give up.
DT LAB: DT Lab is years of practical self-defense techniques put in to intense heart pumping exercise. In DT Lab, there are no uniforms, rank or contact, you wear whatever is comfortable for you, usually sweats, T shirt, we do require a cross training type of shoe that has not been wore outdoors. At first you will be shown proper ways to strike to get maximum results without injury, the proper way to fall and get back up. Class will start with a light warm up and be followed by stretching then will go in to timed circuit training, very similar to Cross Fit. Class will end with a cool down stretch and a self-defense technique.
GRAPPLING / MMA: MMA stands for Mixed Martial Arts. Over the last thirty years all of the staff at Performance Fitness have trained and hold ranks in many different styles of martial arts including Karate, Tae Kwon Do, Soo Bach (Tang Soo Do), Judo, Jujitsu, along with training in many other self-defense / Defensive Tactics programs. At Performance Fitness we have taken what actually works from the training we have received and put it all together and incorporated it in to a controlled class for a safe, fun learning setting.