Ketsugo Goju-Ryu is a close-range self-defense system, characterized by hard striking attacks including kicks, punches, knees, and elbows, as well as softer circular techniques which are visible in many of the kata. For this reason, Ketsugo Goju-Ryu Karate is suited equally as well for older students as for younger ones. The real and lasting benefits occur mentally (less stress, ability to handle situations in a calm, relaxed manner), physically (increased stamina, strength, and speed) and through the vital development of self-confidence, discipline, and achievement.
At Oliver Karate Academy we believe in the principles of strong karate; tradition, training, and respect. Students follow traditions and training brought back from Okinawa by Shodai Jay Trombley which have kept our style strong over many years. Students are expected to show proper respect and etiquette at all times, to train hard and hold the virtues of karate.