Ohio Brasa/Deon Thompson Jiu Jitsu
Ohio Brasa Brazilian Jiu Jitsu was started in 2008 by Deon Thompson and is located in Toledo, Ohio. Deon is a black belt under Rodrigo 'Comprido' Medeiros and is both the owner and our head instructor. Our original school was started with only 7 members and has grown to be over 150 members strong! Our school's current location is actually a retired bank that has been renovated to accommodate for our classes. We firmly believe that Jiu Jitsu has something to offer each person who decides to start their journey and step on the mat.
1103 West Sylvania Ave
Toledo, OH 43612
United States
Phone: (419) 410-5483
Martial Art Styles
The following Martial Arts Styles are offered at Ohio Brasa/Deon Thompson Jiu Jitsu:
- Brazilian Jiu-jitsu
- Karate
- Kick Boxing
Programs & Class Schedule
Kids BJJ class M,T,F 6pm-7pm
Adult BJJ class M-Th 7pm-830PM
Karate W, Th 6pm-6:30pm and Sat 10am-10:30am
Kickboxing W, Th 6:30pm-7pm and Sat 11:00am-11:30am
Have a Question?
Would you like more information on hours, classes and programs available at Ohio Brasa/Deon Thompson Jiu Jitsu? Please contact the school with your questions.
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