Study at Mountain Winds Budo encompasses many facets of the study of budo, or martial ways. At Mountain Winds we strive to keep the historic combat methods employed by both the samurai and ninja of medieval Japan alive. In it’s historical form the training then becomes ingeniously adapted to the modern day. So in understanding the path of those who went before us, we not only keep traditions of old alive, but also adapt the training to form a highly effective self protection system.
Our program of study is based primarily on Gyokko Ryu koshijutsu and Koto Ryu koppojutsu in the beginning stages with training being anchored with Togakure Ryu Ninjutsu. Togakure Ryu offers what could be thought of as an alternative thought process to self-protection. As each student progresses they are exposed to the teachings from Shinden Fudo Ryu, Hontai Takagi Yoshin Ryu, Kukishinden Ryu.
The kenjutsu program is anchored in the practice of Ono-ha Itto Ryu Kenjutsu Sokaku den, a very precise historical form of dueling with the Japanese sword. Kenjutsu is a very daunting study requiring great dedication that offers a student an excellent path to improvement in self-discipline.