Martial Traditions is a unique school of martial arts located in Dalton, Georgia. Founded on the principle of propagating tradition martial arts in the North Georgia area by confident and respected martial artists. We are interested in martial arts with a tradition of self-defense, self-discipline, physical conditioning and a known history of “real world” application. Martial Traditions features Bob Byrd’s Kodokan Judo and Kai Sai Kung Fu (aka Chinese Boxing).
Kodakan JudoKodokan Judo was founded in 1882 by Dr. Kano Jigoro as a synthesis of Jujutsu styles that were becoming extinct in Japan. Martial Traditions brings the traditional form of Kodokan Judo to our school by way of Master Bob Byrd. Master Byrd’s over 45 years of experience brings a high level of Judo to our school.
Kai Sai Kung Fu is itself a synthesis much like Judo. Our Chinese Boxing comes to us by way of Master Kai Sai (Christopher Casey). Master Kai Sai spent a lifetime in Taiwan and the United States learning and mastering many disciplines of Chinese Boxing that make up our vast curriculum.