The Martial Arts Academy is operated by Grandmaster Byron Mantack, who has been studying martial arts since 1957. He holds a ninth dan in Okinawan Shorin Ryu, a seventh dan in American Kenpo, and Tae-Kwon-Do, and a third dan in Kodokan Judo. Grandmaster Mantack has been inducted into the Masters' Hall of Fame, the USA Martial Arts Hall of Fame, Action Magazine Martial Arts Hall of Fame, and the Tae-Kwon-Do Hall of Fame. The Martial Arts Academy is operated on Christian principles, and students have to pass a rigorous test, before being promoted. The test consists of translating Japanese to English, and vise versa, a basic understanding of human biology, and other principles relative to the study and practice of martial arts. We offer a one-week free introductory class to all prospective new students. Grandmaster Mantack is a past senior vice president of the Worldwide Martial Arts Council.