Kyudo - Harbor City Kyudo Kai - the University of Archery
The University of Archery is not just an archery range, but a school of higher learning and study of all styles of archery and budo (martial arts). It has been my lifetime quest to train in martial arts and archery and sharing that knowledge is half the fun and excitement. To see someone build their self confidence and personal worth with inner strength is a life changing experience. Every person may not play football, basketball, soccer and so on …the big sports… but archery is a sport that is shot alone but trained as a team, and all of the value points of athletic training and team work can be found here as well and even more. Kyudo teaches us Shin- Zen- Bi (Truth- Goodness- Beauty)
Martial Art Styles
The following Martial Arts Styles are offered at Kyudo - Harbor City Kyudo Kai - the University of Archery:
- Kyudo (Q-Doh) " Japanese Archery"
Programs & Class Schedule
The main areas of movement for KYUDO are:
Meiso ------------- Meditation, Sutra, Breathing.
Basic Exercises---- Stretching, Warm Up’s and Calisthenics
Kihontai ----------- Fundamental Forms, Basic Postures, Standing, Sitting, Walking, Turning.
Shaho-Shagi ------ Fundamental shooting principle & skill
Shaho Hassetsu--- The 8 steps of performing Kyudo
Shiken -Testing -- Fellowship with other Kyudoka in national and international events, testing for higher rank.
Taikai------------- Tournaments shooting competitions
Teens & Adults ages 15 and up only please
Some training equipment is provided but clothing and Bows & Arrows must be bought per student
Class Endowment: $75.00 per Month plus Equipment
Have a Question?
Would you like more information on hours, classes and programs available at Kyudo - Harbor City Kyudo Kai - the University of Archery? Please contact the school with your questions.
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