Our purpose is to promote Chinese Martial arts as a form of physical and mental training for health and self defense. We offer Shuaijiao (Chinese grappling) both for adults and children, these classes involves fun drills and exercises to developed proper balance and strength. These includes foot work, stances to develop proper root and strength, basics of how to roll, fall (forwards, backwards and sideways) two persons drills, conditioning arms and legs and set ups for take downs.
Our other program is an internal art called Tai Chi. Tai chi is a Chinese art that is about seeking harmony with one's mind and body, in order for this process to occur, we focus on a lot of drills to transform the body, to make it more align and release. These includes opening body, standing meditation, release of joints and muscles, form and two persons drills in push hands exercises.
Any more info please check us out at kungfutaichibocaraton.com