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Reviews of Karate Universe

This page shows Reviews & Testimonials of Karate Universe in Norwalk, CT. 77 Reviewer rated Karate Universe as Good. Read detailed reviews below.

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Average Rating: Good (77 Reviews)

Quality of Instruction:
Other aspects:

45 out of 77 Reviewer recommended Karate Universe.

(2 of 2 People found this review helpful)

Two CLOWNS... like two peas in a pod!

Dec 27 2023 by MAD DAD (Parent of a Student with 1 - 3 Years Experience at this school)

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MAN was I wrong. I wrote the comment below 10 years ago. I had a big falling out with these two clowns. Masters of nothing but disgrace, money hungry and DEAN. .. not sure whats up with that CHILD. I wish I could take it all back now but I hear they are closed. Here is the BIG L on your foreheads for LOSERS!!!!

First I would like to say thank you! Masters Spiros and Dean have taken a great interest in my son's future. I have a very confident, balanced, fit son who is now not only in the best shape of his life, but has also become a high honor student. His entire focus has changed and I know this is more than IN PART to his time spent at Karate Universe. I have also learned that you cannot put a price on something like this. I am making an investment in my sons future and his ability to face life HEAD-ON! Thank you both for a wonderful experience. And for all of you parents on the fence. .. life never comes without a few eggs being broken along the way. Being tough and firm does not always come without caring. These two people do care and I would not hesitate to have them educate and lead my son!

(4 of 4 People found this review helpful)

D Beckman - Why Karate Universe is the biggest McDojo FINALE

Oct 10 2023 by D Beckman (Active Student with 10+ Years Experience at this school)

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Hey there folks, I just got wind of some juicy news that's got me grinning from ear to ear – Karate Universe is finally closing its doors! And let me tell you, it's been a long time coming.

Back in 2009, I had a front-row seat to what can only be described as the worst "6-year-old black belt" performance ever. Remember Kelly? That bratty sh*tty "black belt" who couldn't even tie her shoelaces without tripping over? Yeah, she was a prime example of what was wrong with this place.

Karate Universe's black belt factory mcdojo and their love for binding contracts were always a source of amusement for me. And don't get me started on the ugly a** Master Spiros – the guy's ego was bigger than the dojo itself, but his martial arts skills? Let's just say, they were as elusive as his humility. He couldn't even get his leg over his fat beer belly.

Their claims of being an "Authentic, Traditional, Oriental Martial Arts Academy" were nothing more than a bunch of hooey. It was clear that their main goal was to fill their pockets using contracts, not to teach real martial arts.

Now that the place is closing down, it's like watching karma in action. Good riddance, I say! If you've ever had the misfortune of crossing paths with Karate Universe, I hope you're celebrating this as much as I am. I can almost guarentee that anyone reading this agrees.

Well, folks, it seems like we've just witnessed a masterclass in "How NOT to Run a Dojo 101. " I mean, seriously, if there were a black belt in bad management, this dojo would have earned its 10th dan by now!(The Masters claim that they're 17th or something). Anyways it was good to see my effects on this dojo, and now it is closed. It just goes to show that Scammers never win in the end.

D Beckman

(5 of 5 People found this review helpful)

This dojang is long overdue to be closed down and happy its closed.

Sep 15 2023 by JLin (Former Student with 5 - 10 Years Experience at this school)

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From catering to 6-year-old kids to be black belts and joining the black belt club to "Earn" a black belt is not only ripping your students off, but trapping their respective parents to sign a contract that they can't get out of. Both the so-called "Master" Dean and especially Dean's pops, Spiros are downright abusers. His other son that is in Virginia Spiros Jr. is at another level of worse and I remember in the old Danbury location long ago that Father Spiros and Jr. almost got into a fist fight altercation in a middle of class or after, can't remember anymore, but man, that family needs a therapist. Clash of egos runs within that family, and it shows when they teach class. "It's my way or the highway" mentality kind of like living in the USSR. A big win for Norwalk with that dojang closed.

(11 of 11 People found this review helpful)


Aug 22 2023 by Hunter J Scofield (Former Student with 10+ Years Experience at this school)

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(11 of 11 People found this review helpful)

Not For Kids! They are safer by not going!

Jul 14 2023 by Truth (Former Student with 5 - 10 Years Experience at this school)

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1. It's Taekwondo first off and NOT Karate!

2. 30 min of workout, 20 min of learning.

3. Striped belts let them add an additional charge to suck you dry. There are no striped belts in Taekwondo or Karate!

4. The abuse of my kids made me call it quits. For example, imagine your 7yr old child prepping an essay for the Blackbelt test and on submittal Master Spiros throwing it across the dojang screaming that the title is wrong to your kid. Teacher? I think not! Psycho? Definitely!

(4 of 4 People found this review helpful)

Why Karate Universe Sucks

Nov 29 2022 by J Smith (Active Student with Less than 1 Month Experience at this school)

Quality of Instruction:
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Hi Again, I am D Beckman, proud father of four, veteran, and proud supporter of Joe Biden and affiliate of the Democratic party. I would like to dedicate this review to address claims regarding that of MD being a creep. On top of that, I will convey in the future, and address contracts, scamming, poor service, routines that don't benefit, and handing out black belts like candy. anonymous stated, "MD is a creep. He constantly made innapropriate comments to me, some about my looks between the age of 9-14. He somehow found my email, and other sources of social media, and would constantly ask me inappropriate questions. There is ALOT more to this, but long story short. Keep your kids away from this place. "

-I can't even make a joke about this. Frankly, that is just pathetic and I think a case should be filed to put MD in jail. Following your students on social media and making inappropriate comments about their looks at such a young age is beyond sad and action needs to be taken against it. Master Spiros, only you can hire such a creep in order to help you run your scam of a dojo and it's just sad. You stupid pea-brain hide behind your computer as all these real reviews expose the true intent of your crappy McDojo.

Again, it would be better to burn your money rather than waste it on a place where you children wouldn't be safe. The owners of this dumpster don't respond to the reviews because they know it's true. Stay behind you crusty keyboard and keep typing away you small coward. If you want to fight, I've identified myself as D Beckman and im ready. Cowards hide behind keyboard, a man will identify himself. Well Identify yourself Spiros you huge coward.

P. S. - it's so funny that Master Spiros and his instructors are both creeps and scammers, it's sad how they advertise their dojo as the best of the best. It doesn't teach, and it isn't even social babysitting with how weird the instructors are. Please keep away from this dumpster.

(2 of 2 People found this review helpful)

Marketing Techniques

Nov 28 2022 by Will Smith Slap Bruh Moment (Active Student with 10+ Years Experience at this school)

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I think given the similar awkward phraseology throughout each of the other positive reviews, it would be safe to say that they were all written by the same person. Given the strange familiarity with the negative situation and the poor command of written English, it'd be safe to assume that all of those reviews were written by the owner of the school himself. Those reviews should be taken with a giant grain of salt. This school has virtually a 100% turnover of its students with quite usually NOT an amicable parting of ways. The instructors' techniques and abilities are remarkably unimpressive. Feel free to join the school if you want, but the business practices of the school more closely resemble used car salesmanship than any kind of paragon of honor and morality, which the school trots itself out to be.

Shop around for a better school not this scam.

(1 of 2 People found this review helpful)

Why Karate Universe is a McDojo

Nov 27 2022 by Master Spiros (Active Student with Less than 1 Month Experience at this school)

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1. You wear a thousand badges/patches on your gi.

2. Advancement to the next rank is an expense (and a hefty one at that), instead of an honorable achievement.

3. Your sensei is a “grandmaster” with 7th dan or above, yet is 30 years or younger.

4. There is a “special course” that’ll get you a black belt in 6 months or less.

5. There are many claims of being an “award-winning dojo”, with little or no solid evidence to back this up.

6. Your sensei studied marketing longer than Karate.

7. You have stripes on your belt that signify how much you have paid (rather than what rank you have)

8. You are doing kata to music

9. Movements don’t have names – they have numbers.

10. The instructor demands respect. He doesn’t earn it.

11. Students scream more than they bow.

Karate Universe is all of these.

D Beckman- McDojo

(1 of 1 People found this review helpful)

D Beckman - Why Karate Universe is the biggest McDojo(Part 3)

Nov 27 2022 by Master Spiros (Active Student with 10+ Years Experience at this school)

Quality of Instruction:
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Hi Again, I am D Beckman, proud father of four, veteran, and proud supporter of Joe Biden and affiliate of the Democratic party. I would like to dedicate this review to address claims regarding that of MD being a creep. On top of that, I will convey in the future, and address contracts, scamming, poor service, routines that don't benefit, and handing out black belts like candy. anonymous stated, "MD is a creep. He constantly made innapropriate comments to me, some about my looks between the age of 9-14. He somehow found my email, and other sources of social media, and would constantly ask me inappropriate questions. There is ALOT more to this, but long story short. Keep your kids away from this place. "

-I can't even make a joke about this. Frankly, that is just pathetic and I think a case should be filed to put MD in jail. Following your students on social media and making inappropriate comments about their looks at such a young age is beyond sad and action needs to be taken against it. Master Spiros, only you can hire such a creep in order to help you run your scam of a dojo and it's just sad. You stupid pea-brain hide behind your computer as all these real reviews expose the true intent of your crappy McDojo.

Again, it would be better to burn your money rather than waste it on a place where you children wouldn't be safe. The owners of this dumpster don't respond to the reviews because they know it's true. Stay behind you crusty keyboard and keep typing away you small coward. If you want to fight, I've identified myself as D Beckman and im ready. Cowards hide behind keyboard, a man will identify himself. Well Identify yourself Spiros you huge coward.

P. S. - it's so funny that Master Spiros and his instructors are both creeps and scammers, it's sad how they advertise their dojo as the best of the best. It doesn't teach, and it isn't even social babysitting with how weird the instructors are. Please keep away from this dumpster.

D Beckman

(1 of 2 People found this review helpful)

D Beckman - Why Karate Universe is the biggest McDojo(Part 2)

Nov 26 2022 by D Beckman (Active Student with 10+ Years Experience at this school)

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Hello Again, I am D Beckman, veteran proud father of four, and an affiliate of the Democratic Party. I would like to start with today's exposure of the biggest McDojo Karate Universe by acknowledging reviews made by former students. I'm going to start with Inder, a student who left the dojo because of abuse given to his father.

"not ever let your kids in this place because i have experienced this with my own dad master dean and master spyros they are two ego-headed freaks 😡😡they dis some bad attitude with my dad he was giving a paycheck when master D. straight up pushed my dad I was so mad steam was coming out my ears and so please for the sake of life do not ever and I mean ever sign anything with those freaks please do not get into the same mess as me don’t waste money on this bad place I hope u listen please 🙏🙏🙏🙏. "

- Dang, I knew that Master D and Spiros were ego headed freaks and are as small in stature as intellect, however I didn't know that they would resort to violence on to the parents of students. Someone ought to stop those pea-sized brains from attacking their own customers 😂. They will definitely hide behind their keyboard now knowing that the truth is coming out. Those pathetic people.

I will acknowledge other reviews soon because I am reaching the word limit on this one. For anyone reading this, it would be better to burn your money rather than going to this dojo that scams you. Also, stay behind you crusty keyboard and keep typing away you small coward. If you want to fight, I've identified myself as D Beckman and im ready. Cowards hide behind keyboard, a man will identify himself. Well Identify yourself Spiros you huge coward.

Thank you, and I am happy to bring this crappy McDojo to light.

P. S. Master Sprios you have the smallest brain in the entire world, there is no way you know anything about martial arts, other than scamming and attacking your own customers.

D Beckman.

(2 of 2 People found this review helpful)

McDojo - Again and Again

Nov 26 2022 by Inder (Active Student with 10+ Years Experience at this school)

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Ok so people reading this review I just want one big huge favor from you would you please never ever bring your child to karate universe if you do that it will mean a lot. Now to get started with today review of karate universe… so I am a former student of karate universe my message here is to not ever let your kids in this place because i have experienced this with my own dad master dean and master spyros they are two ego-headed freaks 😡😡they dis some bad attitude with my dad he was giving a paycheck when master D. straight up pushed my dad I was so mad steam was coming out my ears and so please for the sake of life do not ever and I mean ever sign anything with those freaks please do not get into the same mess as me don’t waste money on this bad place I hope u listen please 🙏🙏🙏🙏.

(2 of 2 People found this review helpful)

D Beckman - Why Karate Universe is the biggest McDojo(Part 1)

Nov 25 2022 by D Beckman (Active Student with 10+ Years Experience at this school)

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Hello All I am D Beckman, proud veteran and father of four. Not many things in life bother me as much as karate universe has. In 2009, I'd witnessed what is potentially the worst performance of a "6 year old black belt". Kelly was her name. She was by no means deserving of this rank and is in short, a bratty loser. Karate Universe gives out their black belts and tries to scam all their customers by using contracts. The main owner is an ego-headed freak however, he is as small in stature as he is intellect. A truly pathetic man. Master Spiros, if you are reading this, stay behind you crusty keyboard and keep typing away you small coward. If you want to fight, I've identified myself as D Beckman and im ready. Cowards hide behind keyboard, a man will identify himself. Well Identify yourself Spiros you huge coward. "You are not a Student of Karate Universe!You are a Coward who Slanders & Defame an Authentic, Traditional, Oriental Martial Arts Academy. Our Academy Belts are Sanctioned Internationally. All our Wonderful Students Earn their Belts through their Journey to Black Belt. "

-Yeah well you're a scammer who literally has a pea-seized brain so it doesn't really matter that I haven't gone to your dojo. For anyone reading this, it would be better to burn your money rather than going to this dojo that scams you.

D Beckman - Doing his duty identifying McDojo's

(0 of 1 People found this review helpful)

Sorry Im the Ego Headed Freak

Nov 23 2022 by D Beckman (Active Student with 10+ Years Experience at this school)

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Dear the Owners of the Amazing Karate Universe, I am sorry for consistently trash-talking your mcDojo. Kelly did in fact work really hard to get her fake black belt and your contracts and very good. You hand out black belts like candy and it's very good. Your routine is great as I heard from many parents and MD is definitely not a creep. Master Spiros, I will identify myself as D Beckman and I come out of hibernation to go to the renowned Karate Universe Dojo.

Thanks, D Beck

(1 of 2 People found this review helpful)

Karate Universe is the Best of the Best!

Nov 20 2022 by Joseph Garcia (Parent of a Student with Less than 1 Month Experience at this school)

Quality of Instruction:
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Great place. Meant to give a five star review. My bad!

This place is fantastic. Good place I would recommend it to everybody of all ages. A fun place to study Martial Arts

(0 of 1 People found this review helpful)

Karate Universe is the Best of the Best!

Nov 20 2022 by Joseph Garcia (Parent of a Student with Less than 1 Month Experience at this school)

Quality of Instruction:
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This place is fantastic. Good place I would recommend it to everybody of all ages. A fun place to study Martial Arts

(5 of 5 People found this review helpful)

Master spyros and master dean giving bad attitude to my dad 😡🤬

Aug 20 2022 by Inder former student of karate universe (Former Student with 3 - 6 Months Experience at this school)

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Ok so people reading this review I just want one big huge favor from you would you please never ever bring your child to karate universe if you do that it will mean a lot. Now to get started with today review of karate universe… so I am a former student of karate universe my message here is to not ever let your kids in this place because i have experienced this with my own dad master dean and master spyros they are two ego-headed freaks 😡😡they dis some bad attitude with my dad he was giving a paycheck when master D. straight up pushed my dad I was so mad steam was coming out my ears and so please for the sake of life do not ever and I mean ever sign anything with those freaks please do not get into the same mess as me don’t waste money on this bad place I hope u listen please 🙏🙏🙏🙏.

(3 of 3 People found this review helpful)

Aweful teachers. Ironclad contracts that will cost you.

Feb 27 2021 by R Repulsa (Parent of a Student with 1 - 3 Months Experience at this school)

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No! Just no! Be prepared for a two year contract with no escape clause. The teachers are so damn rude.

(7 of 7 People found this review helpful)

This place sucks, its a trap

Feb 27 2018 by jeff (Former Student with 1 - 3 Years Experience at this school)

Quality of Instruction:
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overpriced and under delivered on quality.

rude staff, master is wayyyyy to full of himself.

dont waste your time or money.

more like a daycare for your kids, not a place to learn martial arts

(11 of 14 People found this review helpful)

Pulls the wool over your eyes

Aug 07 2016 by H (Familiar with the School , No Personal Experience at this school)

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Sadly I have to give a negative review. This school says they are about the children when in fact they only care about money and good press. There is no value to this program. Paying over $4000 for my children to learn a simple routine to get their next belt is ridiculous. My children used to enjoy this school but true colors always shine brighter. Do not let most 5 star reviews fool you. They are instructors or paid students.

(2 of 11 People found this review helpful)

Karate Universe is Amazing

Jul 31 2016 by Anonymous (Active Student with 10+ Years Experience at this school)

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As a student of karate universe I can honestly state that many of these bad reviews make false accusations. I have never seen someone who doesn't deserve their black belt get it. Every black belt student earns it. I can also state that Master Dean and Master Spiros are both very qualified and care about their students. I encourage people to at least visit the karate school in person rather than taking the word of these people who are writing incorrent reviews. If you came see the karate school in person I don't doubt you will see the school for the honest, amazing dojo that it really is. I reccomend this school to people of all ages.

(14 of 19 People found this review helpful)

Don't bring your kids here

Nov 04 2015 by anonymous (Former Student with 10+ Years Experience at this school)

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MD is a creep. He constantly made innapropriate comments to me, some about my looks between the age of 9-14. He somehow found my email, and other sources of social media, and would constantly ask me inappropriate questions. There is ALOT more to this, but long story short. Keep your kids away from this place.

(5 of 17 People found this review helpful)

Much more than just karate, for the whole family...

Jul 15 2015 by D.J. (Active Student with 1 - 3 Years Experience at this school)

Quality of Instruction:
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If you want more from Martial Arts than just kicking and punching, Karate Universe is the place for you. Aside from regular classes, they hold seminars, go to tournaments, and have family events and trips. True family atmosphere, and enjoyable place to workout.

(5 of 12 People found this review helpful)

Karate Universe, The Best Place To Go

Jun 27 2015 by MG (Active Student with 5 - 10 Years Experience at this school)

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I have been with Karate Universe for many many years now since and I have seen kids and adults benefit from Karate Universe, including myself. Karate universe doesn't just teach people how to defend yourself but also how to improve yourself to be the best person you can be. They teach respect, listening skills, determination, to be confident, discipline, self control all while getting a great work out and having a great time. people of all ages are welcome. Karate Universe is a great place to go to if you want to maximize all your potential while learning how to defend yourself, working out and having a great time.

(6 of 11 People found this review helpful)

Maximizing Human Potential

Jun 27 2015 by M F (Active Student with 5 - 10 Years Experience at this school)

Quality of Instruction:
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As someone who has received a first hand experience of the wonderful service Karate Universe provides, I can say that they benefit the many children that join. I only have praise for this dojo. It is amazing to think that they take young kids and transform them into experienced black belts through the years. That is what they did for me. I started taking classes when I was three, and the immense help and support this dojo has given me is unbelievable. I hope people realize that this dojo is a terrific opportunity, and that scheduling an appointment, or even just checking it out is worth the time. Karate Universe has changed me for the better, and that is what they continue to do for each and every one of their students. It is truly a wonderful dojo.

(6 of 12 People found this review helpful)

Maximizing Human Potential

Jun 24 2015 by B F (Active Student with 5 - 10 Years Experience at this school)

Quality of Instruction:
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I have heard this institution claim several times to "maximize human potential, "and I believe that this is the most accurate summary of this institution that I've heard. Not only do they teach people of all ages to defend themselves, which is important in today's society, but they also help them grow as a person. Karate Universe teaches discipline, respect, people skills, and a determination that is necessary for any goal one might want to reach. Karate Universe does make people stronger and faster, but they also make them generally better equipped for anything life throws at them.

(18 of 31 People found this review helpful)

Bad atmosphere for kids

May 05 2015 by mom of mc (Former Student with 1 - 3 Years Experience at this school)

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I have a child on the autistic spectrum, high functioning, but in need of understanding. No accommodations will be made for your child. Child often cried on way home because master made fun if him. Cruel teasing from authority figure. I left and they tried to sue me for breach if contract. You must sign a two year contract. As a single mom I felt pushed around by the masters. I only write this today because a friend was going to go and saw great reviews. Jack S, Bill S, SS, MS are all instructors. Instructors should not be able to rate this horrible business and talk about being students. It makes dojos. com an unreliable source of information when owners and instructors do the ratings.

They are not nice people. They wanted me to come to appt with ex husband so they can make you sign on spot. They wont give you paperwork to take home and review and think over. That alone tells you something is up with the contract.

(8 of 13 People found this review helpful)

Karate Universe is wonderful

Dec 27 2014 by B.F. (Active Student with 5 - 10 Years Experience at this school)

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Karate Universe shaped my life.  Learning karate taught me how to defend myself and stay fit, but it also changed who I am.  I learned respect from my Masters and fellow students.  I learned self control from each lesson.  I learned to never give up, and am now farther than I expected to ever get.  Karate Universe expanded my potential, which affected my lifestyle.  I would recommend Karate Universe to People of all types, ages, and genders as I think it is a positive step toward who you want to be.  Karate Universe teaches life lessons and defense, all while having fun.

B. F.

(8 of 14 People found this review helpful)

Truly Amazing Instructors at Karate Universe

Dec 15 2014 by Jack C (Active Student with 5 - 10 Years Experience at this school)

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I have been doing karate here for about 6 years and to this day I have had no regrets in starting. Being at Karate Universe has taught me self defense in case I ever have to deal with a real life situation. It has also taught me discipline and self control. I highly recommend Karate Universe to all my friends in High School to benefit as I am.

Jack C.

(8 of 13 People found this review helpful)

Great Experience at Karate Universe...

Dec 13 2014 by S.S. (Active Student with 5 - 10 Years Experience at this school)

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I am a sixth grade girl, and a First Degree Black Belt at Karate Universe. I have been training here for a little more than 5 years. The instructors are knowledgeable and fun, and they teach me many life lessons, in addition to what gets taught in class. My training at Karate Universe has helped me excel in other activities, in school, and at home. I've been at Karate Universe for half my life and it's no longer just an activity, it's now a part of my life.

S. S.

(6 of 11 People found this review helpful)

Best of the best... For many reasons.

Dec 11 2014 by B.S. (Active Student with 5 - 10 Years Experience at this school)

Quality of Instruction:
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I've been training at Karate Universe for six years now. As an adult martial arts student, the health benefits are many. Exercise, stress relief, fitness are all provided. The curriculum is never ending. When you think you know it all, there is more. Aside from that, the opportunity to meet other people and form friendships, both in and out of the classroom, makes Karate Universe an enjoyable place to train.

Bill S.

(11 of 20 People found this review helpful)

I take everything I once said about this school all back!

Dec 03 2014 by Jon R (Parent of a Student with 1 - 3 Years Experience at this school)

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I once placed these comments on this site and now I take it all back! I am banking my future on KARMA. .. What a mistake I made in my own judgement when I said. .. First I would like to say thank you! Masters Spiros and Dean have taken a great interest in my son's future. I have a very confident, balanced, fit son who is now not only in the best shape of his life, but has also become a high honor student. His entire focus has changed and I know this is more than IN PART to his time spent at Karate Universe. I have also learned that you cannot put a price on something like this. I am making an investment in my sons future and his ability to face life HEAD-ON! Thank you both for a wonderful experience. And for all of you parents on the fence. .. life never comes without a few eggs being broken along the way. Being tough and firm does not always come without caring. These two people do care and I would not hesitate to have them educate and lead my son!

I would not let my son near this school ever again. I did not like the way they handled addressing my sons injury (that I witnessed first hand) and what they did about it after it happened. I finished paying out my contract and even offered to have those monies go to a child in need that could not afford to go or continue. BUT not to my surprise. .. NO ANSWER.

(6 of 13 People found this review helpful)

I'm qualified Spyros..Its all about this!!

Oct 17 2014 by D.Beckman (Former Student with 5 - 10 Years Experience at this school)

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https://www. youtube. com/watch?v=mhFSaukE9do

Real dojo of Norwalk^^^. . . Real problem is that you give away black belts like candy and Ice Cream. . Believe me. . People knows and I'm not the only one.

(7 of 11 People found this review helpful)

Karate Universe, An Experience You Don't Want To Miss

Sep 11 2014 by M.G (Active Student with 5 - 10 Years Experience at this school)

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I am a second degree black belt at karate universe and I recommend this karate school to everyone of all ages. Karate universe is a family friendly environment. I've learned so much things at karate universe which have benefited me and can benefit you too. Here at karate universe we are maximizing human potential, you will learn how to defend yourself, build confidence, self-control, respect, it's a great stress reliever and a great way to get in shape while having an amazing time. I've been at karate for a many years and the experience has been great and yours can be too if you come on down to karate universe.

(3 of 7 People found this review helpful)

Expect nothing less than the best here :)

Sep 11 2014 by Jack C. (Active Student with 5 - 10 Years Experience at this school)

Quality of Instruction:
Very Good
Other aspects:

I started at Karate Universe when I was 9. I am now 15, and a black belt, to this day have no complaints about anything Karate Universe does. The Karate Universe experience has taught me to be more open and speak my mind and now i can defend myself if I was in a real life situation. If anyone else tells you that Karate Universe is less than the best, well they're wrong, but if you still believe the negative reviews, come on in and look and Karate Universe will change your mind.

(5 of 9 People found this review helpful)

The Best of the Best

Aug 26 2014 by B F (Active Student with 5 - 10 Years Experience at this school)

Quality of Instruction:
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I have been a student at this school for longer than I can remember, and am currently a dedicated instructor. Never once have I not been encouraged to do my best. The moment you walk into this dojo, you cannot help but smile. Every class is designed for the students, and every student matters. The students do not simply learn how to kick or punch, they acquire life skills. Pupils learn respect, self discipline, and the importance of persistence and hard work. I would recommend this dojo to anyone and everyone, as it is enjoyable and challenging. The unbelievable enthusiasm in this academy keeps people coming back day after day.

(4 of 6 People found this review helpful)

I Recommend This Dojo To All

Aug 26 2014 by Merrin F (Active Student with 5 - 10 Years Experience at this school)

Quality of Instruction:
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I have been studying at this place since I was potty trained. Karate Universe really does maximize human potential. I cannot imagine going anywhere else. Here we welcome anybody and everybody. No matter how much improvement you need, we accept you and give you that improvement. Little kids I remember falling down in class are now big, strong, smart black belts. I am proud to be part of this amazing school.

(5 of 10 People found this review helpful)

Maximizes human potential

Aug 26 2014 by S.S. (Active Student with 5 - 10 Years Experience at this school)

Quality of Instruction:
Very Good
Other aspects:

I am a black belt and I have been there for 5 years. I really enjoy karate universe and I made a lot of friends there.

(6 of 12 People found this review helpful)


Aug 12 2014 by Master Spiros (Familiar with the School , No Personal Experience at this school)

Quality of Instruction:
Other aspects:

Mr. Beckman, you were NEVER a student of 3-5 years at KARATE UNIVERSE. You are a FRAUD! All our Black Belts are Sanctioned by the appropriate Governing Body in Korea and in the U S A. Our Black Belts are Honored over 204 Countries Internationally. You, however, Mr. Beckman would not Qualify as a white belt in Hoboken, N. J. . Your Defamation & Slander is Unwelcome by all intelligent people. Please crawl back under your rock and hibernate. Master Spiros (you know how to find me)

(6 of 11 People found this review helpful)

Karate Universe, Best of The Best.

Aug 12 2014 by W Smith (Active Student with 5 - 10 Years Experience at this school)

Quality of Instruction:
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I am an instructor at Karate Universe and I can assure you that these belts are earned. Keep in mind, a black belt does not qualify you as some sort of movie super hero. It says you have made a commitment to a program, and have seen it through to completion according to the requirements. That shows that any one who sees the program through has integrity. Unlike D Beckmann, who claims 3-5 years association with the academy. Untrue. If his relationship status is untrue, what credibility should the rest of his statements have? None!

Best to stop in and meet the staff, students, and parents.

(10 of 18 People found this review helpful)

Karate Universe = McDojo

Aug 01 2014 by D.Beckman (Former Student with 3 - 5 Years Experience at this school)

Quality of Instruction:
Other aspects:

A black belt mill school in the highest order when kids wearing "Black Belt" around their waist. . . . . . Fraud to the max!!

(14 of 16 People found this review helpful)


Sep 26 2013 by Maria D. (Parent of a Student with 6 Months - 1 Year Experience at this school)

Quality of Instruction:
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Dear Masters,

Derek and I like to Thank You Both for the recent change you made for our Son's class schedule. He is entirely thrilled with his participation in the Black Belt Program Class. He speaks about it with such enthusiasm and is so excited about what he's learning and what is to come. He knows- as we both do- that this is a special and atypical. And he also knows that his behavior and demeanor in class is now even more important than before.

Thank you so much again for creating this opportunity for him. We both feel he is Benefitting from it already and will continue to be a model Student.


Mary D.

(16 of 18 People found this review helpful)


Aug 07 2013 by Jay A. (Active Student with 1 - 3 Years Experience at this school)

Quality of Instruction:
Other aspects:

Thank you for Teaching me Sparring to Compete in Tournaments.

Jayden A.Nine years old.

And my Mom says THANKS for Teaching Life Skills as well.

(17 of 21 People found this review helpful)

Taking Karate Universe with Us!

Jul 28 2013 by Melvin M. (Parent of a Student with 3 - 5 Years Experience at this school)

Quality of Instruction:
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Although we are moving to Lima Peru we will always have you near and Dear! Our Blue Belt Aaron will continue TaeKwon Do with the recomendation School that Grand Master JiHo Choi,also Pesident of the Pan American Tae Kwon Do Union had given to you.

Integrity , from the start to now , is what you're all about Master Spiros. As a Blue Belt my Son will not have to start all over again thanks to your Credentials and Affiliation with International Organizations. Karate Universe is a Sanction Belt Academy which we are proud of. When we return ..Karate Universe is the Only Sanctioned Martial Arts Academy my Family will Attend. You have our word and deep appreciation for all you have done.

With all my respect,

Melvin M.

(16 of 19 People found this review helpful)

CARING INSTRUCTORS which Walk the Walk!

Jul 13 2013 by Donna P. (Parent of a Student with 6 Months - 1 Year Experience at this school)

Quality of Instruction:
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Deare Master Spiros & Master Dean

I just wanted to write a note to Thank You Both for helping Wesley last week with his concerns regarding the use of the sword.

Your treatment of the situation showed Great Professionalism and Caring on your part, creating the Best possible outcome.

In addition, I thought you should know that I have been very Impressed with the overall development of Wesley's skills, confidence and ethusiasm for the sport/Martial Arts which you teach, as a result of participating in your Valuable Program at Karate Universe.

Thank you both again for your time and consideration.

Best Regards,

Donna P.

(20 of 22 People found this review helpful)

My Sons Benefited

Jun 19 2013 by Kathryn B. (Parent of a Student with 3 - 5 Years Experience at this school)

Quality of Instruction:
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Dear Sirs, As you know we are moving to the Washington D C area end of June 2013.The biggest regret is that we will Miss You All and Karate Universe!

"THANK YOU TO YOU ALL!" We wanted to let you know how much we appreciate what you've done for Jeremy & Sebastian and for the Entire Family.We do not want to get teary eyed, but we hope to come back to Connecticut because of all the Instructors. No Question you're the Best.

With Respect,

(26 of 30 People found this review helpful)

The real deal!

Mar 03 2013 by Jon Rothenberg (Parent of a Student with 1 - 3 Years Experience at this school)

Quality of Instruction:
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First I would like to say thank you! Masters Spiros and Dean have taken a great interest in my son's future. I have a very confident, balanced, fit son who is now not only in the best shape of his life, but has also become a high honor student. His entire focus has changed and I know this is more than IN PART to his time spent at Karate Universe. I have also learned that you cannot put a price on something like this. I am making an investment in my sons future and his ability to face life HEAD-ON! Thank you both for a wonderful experience. And for all of you parents on the fence... life never comes without a few eggs being broken along the way. Being tough and firm does not always come without caring. These two people do care and I would not hesitate to have them educate and lead my son!

(32 of 34 People found this review helpful)

India has No Equal

Nov 30 2012 by Charu (Parent of a Student with 3 - 5 Years Experience at this school)

Quality of Instruction:
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We went for a trial class for Karate in Delhi, India but, Karate Universe have set the Bar so High that I compare all the Instructors with you Master Spiros & Master Dean and they are no where close to both of you. Give my regards to All at Karate Universe especially to you both!


Charu(Arnav's Mother)

(7 of 48 People found this review helpful)

Master Spyros?

Nov 04 2012 by D Beckin (Familiar with the School , No Personal Experience at this school)

Quality of Instruction:
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No way!!

(35 of 38 People found this review helpful)

The Best of the Best !!!

Oct 21 2012 by TMCG (Parent of a Student with 10+ Years Experience at this school)

Quality of Instruction:
Other aspects:

The Best of the Best !!

(32 of 36 People found this review helpful)

The owners do not write all of the replies.

Oct 15 2012 by T Farrell (Active Student with 3 - 5 Years Experience at this school)

Quality of Instruction:
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I have just read the comment from Mr .D ,I was there when he stopped by and I witnessed the exchange of words. D ,You came into the office demanding to speak to the owners,You Mr D, were loud and obnoxious .You Mr D, dropped the F bombs before anyone else did. You were completely out of line and if it were my place I would have thrown you out .

This reply is not written by or on behalf of the owners of Karate Universe . It is strictly my own opinion.

Thomas Farrell a current student of 5 years.

(33 of 37 People found this review helpful)

Karate Universe

Oct 11 2012 by Tony (Former Student with 5 - 10 Years Experience at this school)

Quality of Instruction:
Very Good
Other aspects:
Very Good

Many years as a student and I feel as though I got more than my money's worth. More important than that, I became good friends with some of my classmates, and you can't put a price on that. Don't listen to some troll on the internet, go in and meet some of the students. You'll see, it's all good.

(9 of 47 People found this review helpful)

I know that that ALL of the reviews here are written by the owners

Oct 10 2012 by D (Familiar with the School , No Personal Experience at this school)

Quality of Instruction:
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I just wrote a comment and right away got a response, Now i know for sure that ALL positive reviews here are written by the owners. THIS IS THE TRUTH. I am D that just wrote the review.

I did have my two daughters with me, was on a way home, when i decided to stop by to find when the place is open, to possibly move my daughter from Kempo academy (which is by the way a very professional place and we love instructors there, just too far for us) Kempo has many locations with great instructors and great attitude, check it out.

I didn't destruct the class, the rooms are separated by the glass. The older man had to hold his son back, he was ready to fight me, and i didn't do anything wrong. VERY IMPRESSIVE. He started using four letter words, and you think that wasn't destructive to the class.

That is the true story, please STAY AWAY

(32 of 34 People found this review helpful)

D (Demetri )

Oct 10 2012 by Tom F (Parent of a Student with 3 - 5 Years Experience at this school)

Quality of Instruction:
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I was a parent in attendence. You were to appear drunk and irrational. You were asked to make an appointment ,since you walked in and disrupted the class ,which you declined. Your two daughters were given posters as a souvenir.How was anyone at Karate Universe disrespectful? You used foul language when you were told that Slander and defamation of charachter is unacceptable. You returned trying to argue and force everyones hand.

I am glad as a Parent that your type will not be welcomed in Karate Universe which we all find are professional and caring instructors.

Testimonials of almost hundreds and hundreds of students makes Karate Universe unique.

Staay at your kempo school. They deserve you.

(9 of 46 People found this review helpful)

This is the worst ever place

Oct 10 2012 by D (Familiar with the School , No Personal Experience at this school)

Quality of Instruction:
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If i could give a negative rating, i would have, -100

I stopped by today by Karate Universe in Norwalk today to ask about their schedule and just to see if my daughter who is 9 will be interested in attending

There were two guys there, older man and younger, probably his son.

There were so rude, i have not seen it anywhere that bad. There were so unwelcomed. When i asked for the owner of the place, the yonger guy become so abnoxious and right into my face. There were people / kids there when he used four letter words

Please don't go this place, they deserve to go under.

(33 of 37 People found this review helpful)

Great Academy

Aug 17 2012 by Joanna B (Parent of a Student with 10+ Years Experience at this school)

Quality of Instruction:
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Karate Universe has helped my Children to Focus and get Great Grades!I started them at Four Years Old(Twins) and am proud of their accomplishment. Kudos to ALL the Instructors for their patience and understanding with all the Students; Children ,Teens and Adults. We have and will continue to recommend Karate Universe the Best of the Best.

Now that school is coming back into the Childrens lives, I suggest all parents to get their children into Martial Arts to excell academicaly and consider Karate Universe with a proven record of results and producing many Academic Achievers!

(35 of 44 People found this review helpful)

Beckman is not a Martial Artist

Aug 17 2012 by Master (Active Student with 10+ Years Experience at this school)

Quality of Instruction:
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Mr. Beckman,

Martial Arts is more than kicking and Punching it creates inner strength, indomitable spirit, self esteem ,etc. It is obvious you have little understanding of Martial Arts. You also are not aware of Westly Ciaremella the Guiness Book of Records Youngest Black Belt in the World Eight Years Old back in 1987. Also Jerry Bovina at even younger age 1997. Trashing Kelly who worked very hard to earn her 1st Dan is Shamful on your part. Kelly Tested back in January 2009 and it took you all this time to cry?

Defamation and Slander will not be tolerated. Instead of using the internet come in and visit with me for further clarification.

Master Spiros

(7 of 45 People found this review helpful)

Questioning it's authenticity of working hard to "earn" a Black Belt.

Aug 16 2012 by D.Beckmann (Familiar with the School , No Personal Experience at this school)

Quality of Instruction:
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Well...Well....Firstly: I was part of the audience spectator for the famous 6 year old girl that "earned" a blackbelt. I think her name was Kelly or something, but anyway's, yeah, performance is mediocre at best (No where near a Black Belt level), but she still receives her belt.Unbelievable!!!!

Secondly and lastly: This is NOT a GOOD advertisement of your school Spiros. In other MA organization, theirs a 18 year old limit(17 being the least) for the exam to 1st degree in other MA styles. I can definetely see why!!!.......Only in America can children become black belts in Karate Universe......It's an insult to the Martial Arts.

(34 of 41 People found this review helpful)

To VG & Jlin (one of the same)

Aug 03 2012 by Master Spiros (Familiar with the School , No Personal Experience at this school)

Quality of Instruction:
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You are not a Student of Karate Universe!You are a Coward who Slanders & Defame an Authentic ,Traditional, Oriental Martial Arts Academy. Our Academy Belts are Sanctioned Internationally. All our Wonderful Students Earn their Belts through their Journey to Black Belt and beyond.WE have Hundreds and Hundreds of happy excited Students who continue to recommend Karate Universe. You are a jealous competitor

who only knows to put down others to look good. Shame on YOU!

Cowards hide behind keyboard, a man will identify himself.

Master Spiros

(12 of 49 People found this review helpful)

McDojo Writtem all across the forehead of Dean, Spiros Sr. and Jr.

Jul 29 2012 by VG (Former Student with 3 - 5 Years Experience at this school)

Quality of Instruction:
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If you have the money and can buy the blackbelt to put around your waist, then Karate Universe is the place to be like Discovery Zone.

(13 of 49 People found this review helpful)

"Best of the Best"??? I don't think so.

Jul 28 2012 by JLin (Former Student with 3 - 5 Years Experience at this school)

Quality of Instruction:
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Any school that has a 6 year old Black Belt and caters to the wealthy people of Wilton a membership contract to be guaranteed a Black Belt is a scam in a highest order.

To Spyros and Dean: One thing that describes you 2 egotical morons: "Jack of all trades....Master of non"!!!

(34 of 43 People found this review helpful)

Karate Universe has the top two best instructors in the world!

May 11 2012 by ChristinaTerminatorJ (Active Student with 10+ Years Experience at this school)

Quality of Instruction:
Other aspects:

Karate Universe is an excellent place to study martial arts, lose weight, meet new friends, and learn self discipline

(36 of 42 People found this review helpful)

Karate Universe Truly is The Best of the Best!

Mar 27 2012 by NMB (Active Student with 5 - 10 Years Experience at this school)

Quality of Instruction:
Other aspects:

I have been a student at Karate Universe for many years now. The influence of the instructors as well as the design of the program have been more than beneficial to me since I started. There are things that I have done in my life that I don't believe I could have done without the life skills Karate Universe has given me. It is a great facility for students young and old to practice an art that has yet to change since its inception. There is always something new to learn or improve on, and this fact is often what keeps students coming back for more! With all of these great benefits, it's hard to believe that anyone could dislike such a great school. Karate Universe truly is the best of the best!

(35 of 40 People found this review helpful)

Very Satisfied.

Mar 23 2012 by S.B.S. (Active Student with 1 - 3 Years Experience at this school)

Quality of Instruction:
Other aspects:
Very Good

Quality of the instructors is above average. Workouts are challenging, but not impossible. New material is always being introduced. Great place for adults and their kids to study martial arts.

(current student with child enrolled)

(37 of 43 People found this review helpful)


Mar 19 2012 by Mary T (Parent of a Student with 6 Months - 1 Year Experience at this school)

Quality of Instruction:
Other aspects:

I am in the financial business world. There are no hidden fees at Karate Universe. Everything is explained up front, you get to do a Trial Program and make a decision when you are ready. No Hidden Fees, No Pressure Sales. It's like Family and all the Instructors are Courteous, Respectfull in other words they have Professionalism. I recommend Karate Universe to any logical & sane Parent. It is the Best Program and I have tried others around to no comparrison.

(34 of 39 People found this review helpful)

Martial Arts is a study in self disipline

Mar 15 2012 by T.F. (Active Student with 3 - 5 Years Experience at this school)

Quality of Instruction:
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Having read the prior reviews both good and bad it would seem to me that those that have written the negative reviews fall into one or two catagories.Either you were a short timer and never got to understand that a study of martials arts is a study in disipline especially self disipline.Or you were involved for a longer period and still dont get it.

I have found the instructors at Karate Universe to be very knowledgeable and professional .They are all very good with the kids that come to this training acadamy and I know that what others have misconstrued as gruffness is just disipline, in that it is not inherent in children it has to be taught and sometimes that requires an instructor to be stern with the student (including some adults) .As in any sport or activity martial arts has rules regarding behavior,etiquette ,dress code,it has unique terminolgy that must be learned. It requires hard work and dedication and those that cant seem to comply are eventually weeded out and it does not matter if it takes 3 months or 3 years .You cannot continually show up late or once in every other week and expect to succeed. It requires you to do the right thing even when no one else is watching. That means that you go home and practice the drills,forms etc.

The instructors can not do this for you. This is not cut out for everyone but keep in mind that even a game of golf requires you to practice,show up on time,be dedicated enough to be consistant ,pay attention to your instructor or mentor. In other words self disipline and also you dont get on the green for free.

(12 of 51 People found this review helpful)

Very Bad! Do yourself and your child a favor and look for another program!

Mar 15 2012 by Rip Off (Parent of a Student with 1 - 3 Years Experience at this school)

Quality of Instruction:
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This program is a joke to anyone who is serious about Marial Arts. Please do your research. There are many poor reviews and the messages are true! There are much better programs in the area who truly care about the kids. The head "masters" at Karate Universe are extremely rude and disrepectful. They talk about respect but do not lead by example. They are looking to make a sale at all times and there are namy hideen fees along the way. Do not waste your time or money!

(35 of 40 People found this review helpful)

A fun place to study real martial arts

Mar 10 2012 by n j smith (Active Student with 1 - 3 Years Experience at this school)

Quality of Instruction:
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Everyone who is a member with Karate Universe is excited to come to classes.I am glad being a Member ( almost 1,000 students) with no prior experience that I have met great Leaders and made Great friendships. I recommend Karate Universe to everyone!Their Black Belt Program qualifies you to be part of an exceptional Academy. I wish I can train every Day.The "sour grapes" must be people who were said "NO" for whatever reason. I am very Happy.This institution is the Leader in Martial Arts.

(35 of 39 People found this review helpful)

Excellent Experience

Mar 09 2012 by Vincent Agnello (Former Student with 3 - 5 Years Experience at this school)

Quality of Instruction:
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We Have only wonderful memories of Karate Universe. We recommend Karate Universe Highly.My Grandchildren once of age will be the Second Generation to enroll in Karate Universe the Best !

(34 of 36 People found this review helpful)

Personal Growth Developement

Mar 09 2012 by Mary Z (Parent of a Student with 6 Months - 1 Year Experience at this school)

Quality of Instruction:
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Karate Universe is a fun place to learn Martial Arts! The Instructors are Professional and Caring. We have no complaints but Kudos to Karate Universe.Karate Universe is an Academy where you EARN your Belts and your Black Belt. Not Buy a Belt. If your not ready they will not send you to your test but continue to work with you, encourage you with the "YES I CAN ATTITUDE" which my children will take with them through life. My Children learn to be winners in life not just in tournaments.

Thank you Masters' forbeing there for us.

(35 of 38 People found this review helpful)

Truly Best of the Best

Mar 09 2012 by VJA (Active Student with 10+ Years Experience at this school)

Quality of Instruction:
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My Family has been attending Karate Universe for FOURTEEN Years. .Truth, Honor ,and Integrity is taught at Karate Universe. We have aged with many Students and I know the Retention is over 95%.

I have seen six month Students and Parents who Do Not Like or Like to follow rules.Authentic Oriental Martial Arts do not allow dyed orange hair, facial piercing, etc. The Instructors at Karate Universe are the Best Role models one can find.

We recommend Karate Universe to all good obeiding people.

(11 of 47 People found this review helpful)

find another program for your child!!!

Feb 24 2012 by Parent (Parent of a Student with 6 Months - 1 Year Experience at this school)

Quality of Instruction:
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This program is very misleading. They rope you in and then it becomes all about the money and not the children. The head masters are rude and rule by fear. They preach respect but do not respect the parents. They should call themselves master bullies. It is all about sales and not about karate at all. It is truly a shame because in the end it upsets the children. Do yourself and your children a favor and look at other programs locally. There is a reason that they have such high turnover.

(14 of 53 People found this review helpful)

A terrible place to study Martial Arts

Jan 17 2012 by Anonymous (Former Student with 3 - 5 Years Experience at this school)

Quality of Instruction:
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This place truly sucks. If you are going to invest such a great deal of money into a sport, you should save it for somewhere else. DO NOT INVEST YOUR MONEY HERE!

This place is all about money and marketing. They totally cheat and lie to you. They give you a fantastic first impression on how they are 99% about respect and 1% about kicking and punching, but it is not true. Their main goal is to get money out of you. There are many hidden costs and fees. In order to become a black belt they tell you that you have to pay another $750. They WILL hold you back in order to get a greater amount of money. The exact same things get taught over and over again. You never learn new things. Beware of the 2-year contract, because you will regret it.The fascillity is not clean and there is mold downstairs. They are not flexible at all. If you ask for something, then they actually make you feel guilty even though you are the one paying for this poor service. The masters lack the ability to teach, instead they will just yell. However, there is no doubt about the ability of the masters. The business is run by a man and his father. The son will tease and irritate children. They act outrageous for the slightest matters.

You may go to this very very very very very bad school if you would like to, but it is a terrible place, and the atmosphere is very poor. I would never recommend it to anyone. The only reason we stayed, was because of our foolish mistake of signing the contract. It was a major relief to escape the worst place on the planet.

(12 of 49 People found this review helpful)

Marketing Techniques

Oct 03 2011 by Joseph Smith (Former Student with 1 - 3 Months Experience at this school)

Quality of Instruction:
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I think given the similar awkward phraseology throughout each of the other positive reviews, it would be safe to say that they were all written by the same person. Given the strange familiarity with the negative situation and the poor command of written English, it'd be safe to assume that all of those reviews were written by the owner of the school himself. Those reviews should be taken with a giant grain of salt. This school has virtually a 100% turnover of its students with quite usually NOT an amicable parting of ways. The instructors' techniques and abilities are remarkably unimpressive. Feel free to join the school if you want, but the business practices of the school more closely resemble used car salesmanship than any kind of paragon of honor and morality, which the school trots itself out to be.

Shop around for a better school.

(35 of 43 People found this review helpful)

Great Professional Programs

Jun 23 2011 by V.Urgo (Parent of a Student with 3 - 6 Months Experience at this school)

Quality of Instruction:
Other aspects:

My Son began training at Karate Universe in the Beginners Program and in three classes we noticed positive changes in Self-Esteem, Confidence and Physical Fitness. The Professional Master Instructors are patient and Understanding. My son wants to be a Black Belt at Karate Universe where their belts are Sanctioned and Recognized in 192 Countries. Awesome Programs and now I have enrolled him in Karate Universe Black Belt Excellence Program.I myself is now joining. Thank You to the entire staff at Karate Universe.

Victor Urgo

(36 of 43 People found this review helpful)

Truth Honor Integrity

Apr 14 2011 by Nancy T (Parent of a Student with 3 - 6 Months Experience at this school)

Quality of Instruction:
Other aspects:

In my interview with the Master Instructor, I realized this is The Best of the Best. The experience level, friendliness and Clean state- of -the-art Facility impressed my Family. We found out about Karate Universe from my daughter's classmate.I signed up for a Great Beginners Program and my Child already has deve;oped excellent habits including Respect and Self Esteem.

We are so thrilled about the Leadership of the Chief Instructor we now are entering in Karate Universe Black Belt Program.TaeKwonDo, Hapkido,XMA is now open to us.WE had looked at other Schools especially in the Sheldon area and Found Nothing , Not even close as to the prestige and Great Reputation of Karate Universe in Norwalk. The only ones that ever put down Karate Universe are jealous want to be Instructors which are not worthy of my time.

Kudos to all at Karate Universe, we are proud to be part of your growing Family.

(36 of 43 People found this review helpful)


Apr 14 2011 by Butch (Parent of a Student with 10+ Years Experience at this school)

Quality of Instruction:
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Karate Universe is a Great Academy. My Children attended until they entered College. The Reason you were not allowed to wonder as if the Dojo was a Museum is because you most likely presented yourself in a unprofessional way lying about a Female Chest protector while having unethical motives.

Thank God for Karate Universe screening undesirable intruders!

My Children were always Safe at Karate Universe.

Butch Valentino

(16 of 57 People found this review helpful)

A very unwelcoming place with an overbearing "Master"

Mar 11 2011 by Osu (Familiar with the School , No Personal Experience at this school)

Quality of Instruction:
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I walked into this dojo for info and was greeted by the "Master" in a gruff manner. He asked me where I train, and I told him and that I was looking for a place to purchase KArate supplies.

He quickly insisted that I must go since I am from antoher school because I may be trying to steal his ideas.

He refused to allow me to stay and even went so far as to raise his heel as if he were preparing to fight, pathetic.

I asked him his name and he replied "MASTER" Spiros. HAHAHahahahhaha. Master. . . he was as small in stature as he was intellect. A truly pathetic man.

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