The primary goal of the Jinenkan martial arts practitioner is self preservation and to develop an understanding of natural movement and response to all that they do; to be non-forceful and to use strategy, distancing and timing to overcome any opponent. As a committed student at the Jinenkan Great Lakes Shibu Dōjō, you can look forward to developing a powerful, natural style of personal protection and increased self-confidence.
Training at the our Dōjō not only involves the learning of highly effective methods of personal protection, but provides each adult student with an unbroken and documented chain of study which stems back over five hundred years. You will understand the true elements of classical Japanese warrior craft and history. The classes are a motivating, intense workout, where everyone walks away with a stronger sense of presence and an appreciation for often overlooked natural qualities of life.
General Information
Students of our Dōjō follow a rigorous compilation of authentic, unspoiled martial traditions that have endured for centuries. Under the strict guidance of our teacher, Retired Lieutenant Colonel Fumio Manaka we adhere to these traditions in the Dōjō emphasizing physical endurance and enhancing our character by observing the timeless tenants of Bushidō.