"Unarmed combat systems of the Samurai" The art of using an opponents aggression against himself.
"The art of the empty hand" Pressure point striking and nerve manipulation designed to paralyze any attack meant to harm.
Offers the opportunity of acquiring all the skills and combative techniques kills and techniques of offensive and defensive swordsmanship as well as other weapons. , but as one complete method. By awakening the individuals conscientious application and physical and mental training, the techniques the student can hope to accumulate such techniques that were only ever attributed to the Samurai.
Fight Like a Chick
Extraordinary Self-Defense for Women. This self-defense Course is entirely different from most self-defense classes because it was created specifically for a woman.
Senior Self-Defense
Workshops, seminars, and classes specifically for seniors called S.D.S. or Senior Defense System
Extraordinary Self-Defense for Women. Special classes in self defense and bully prevention classes and clinics for kids and teens.
ISA Defense Classes.
Special classes and seminars for military and law enforcement self-defense training