The Gin Ryu (Silver Dragon) Martial Arts Academy is dedicated to the martial arts discipline of traditional karate do. The focus of this institution is to provide students the highest quality martial arts training available, in a safe and positive learning environment that people of all ages can enjoy. The Gin Ryu (Silver Dragon) Martial Arts Academy is owned and operated by Shihan Dwayne L. Botts, 7th degree Black Belt.
Our instructors will work hard to serve their students by providing several programs for a variety of purposes, such as basic martial arts, self-defense, enhanced self-esteem, and life skills. A primary goal will be to continually make plans to expand our scope to ensure that students have as much access to the different aspects of traditional karate do as possible.
For those who may be interested in less traditional martial arts training and seeking self-defense training, we offer a number of class options. Additionally, we also provide equipment sales, so that our students will have ready access to the supplies needed throughout their training.