Uechi Ryu Karate originated in China in the 19th and 20th centuries. Kanbun Uechi, an Okinawan, studied the style and brought it back to Okinawa. My sensei, Alan Dollar, studied with Seiyu Shinjo, Kanbun Uechi's student, and continued to train and teach in America. The original Karate Kid movie is based on Uechi Ryu karate. Uechi Ryu is a combination of soft influences from Chinese arts similar to Kung Fu and harder martial arts style, like those seen in mainland Japan. This styles of martial arts incorporates the best parts of Chinese martial arts and Japanese martial arts. It is known for the incredible self-defense skills and physical toughness that it develops in those who study it.
Sensei Andrea began studying karate at the age of 10 and fell in love with the art immediately. She has been practicing karate for 23 years, and teaching karate classes for most of that time. She is certified as an Okinawan certified Karate Instructor. She has also taught children in a variety of settings, including public schools, summer camps, recreation programs, and various athletic programs.
Sensei Andrea's formal education includes an undergraduate degree from Stanford University in East Asian Studies, graduate coursework at the Stanford School of Education in Youth Development, and a professional degree in Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine. She is committed to helping all of her students find success in karate and life.