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Reviews of Chalfants Karate

This page shows Reviews & Testimonials of Chalfants Karate in New Castle, IN. 19 Reviewer rated Chalfants Karate as Very Good. Read detailed reviews below.

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Average Rating: Very Good (19 Reviews)

Quality of Instruction:
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17 out of 19 Reviewer recommended Chalfants Karate.

Long Time Student Of Mr. Chalfant

Oct 27 2014 by Mitch (Active Student with 10+ Years Experience at this school)

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I have been with Mr. Chalfant since 1991. While other Martial Arts Schools have come and gone Mr. Chalfant has continued to train and teach Martial Arts in Henry County. I highly recommend him to anyone who wants to learn real Karate. Anyone who speaks poorly of Mr. Chalfant based on a few months with him is lying to people by acting like they know something of which they don't. Mitch

Great Martial Arts School

Sep 19 2014 by Happy Parent (Parent of a Student with 3 - 5 Years Experience at this school)

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Mr. Chalfant has been teaching continuously in New Castle since 1990. He is a full time karate instructor who truly cares for his students. He has worked with our son helping him with his ADHD. This is a great place for you or your child to come to.

(0 of 4 People found this review helpful)


Mar 11 2014 by J. Smith (Parent of a Student with Less than 1 Month Experience at this school)

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The instructor here does NOT require his students to retain any of their past information they have been taught. Like anything, the students should build on their basics, not forget them or NEVER practice. His prices are way to high for what you get. He also doe not want anyone to watch his classes before they sign up or after. WHAT ARE YOU HIDING???

(1 of 2 People found this review helpful)

Best Value Around

May 22 2012 by Terry (Parent of a Student with 3 - 6 Months Experience at this school)

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I am now taking lessons from Mr. Chalfant and have also found him to be a very caring person and a good teacher. I have not been hit with any hidden fees or strange ways to get money. I have been told everything up front on cost....if someone does not agree with the cost then why sign up? You did not sign up and then get told how much it would cost you. It is a business just as any other and needs funds to operate. I have only been going a very short time but feel as if I have got every penny from my instructor...Mr. Chalfant.

Terry - New Castle, IN

(1 of 1 People found this review helpful)

First Class

May 22 2012 by Keith (Active Student with 3 - 5 Years Experience at this school)

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Mr. Chalfant has taught a great deal about Karate. I am always thirsting for more information and he always provides it. He knows more about Karate than politicians do about being crooked. I am a businessman like Mr. Chalfant, and understand that you need to charge people to make a living. This Dojo is a first class karate academy.


(1 of 1 People found this review helpful)

Great Mentor

May 22 2012 by Randy (Active Student with 10+ Years Experience at this school)

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i studied under Mr. Chalfant for 12 years. I am a black belt under him. I found him to be very professional and very demanding. For those who say he is not interested in teaching martial arts or not serious about his classes, they are sadly mistaken. I have never met anyone more knowledgable- about karate and life. obviously there are those who can't hack it, for you-study "show bit ru! " you're not going to find a better teacher or mentor than Mr. Chalfant.


(1 of 1 People found this review helpful)

Most Knowledgeable Instructor Around

May 22 2012 by Mark (Active Student with 10+ Years Experience at this school)

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I have known Mr. Chalfant since he first moved to Anderson in 1984 from Springfield IL. to study karate. Mr. Chalfant is one of the most knowledgeable people in the country about karate. He has studied it full time since 1983. He teaches the traditional karate that he learned from his instructors. He has proven himself to me to be a sincere and caring person who strives to behave in a professional manner. Having known Mr. Chalfant for 25 years now it is my experience that those people who have something negative to say about him are people who enrolled in his karate academy and then did not pay him. I would recommend him to anyone who is serious about learning karate.

Mark - Anderson, IN

(1 of 1 People found this review helpful)

Caring Training

May 22 2012 by Dr. Anderson (Active Student with 1 - 3 Years Experience at this school)

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Mr. Chalfant, a very caring person and a good teacher, I have my whole family in his program 6 children. Some people don't understand businesses have to charge money they have large bills to pay to keep the doors open. Usually a person that is upset with Mr. Chalfant is a person who has refused to pay their way. His Knowledge of karate is vast and is highly respected by his peers. he

is a National and International Karate Champion.

Dr. Anderson - McCordsville, IN

(1 of 1 People found this review helpful)

Family Loves Karate

May 22 2012 by Grandpa (Active Student with 10+ Years Experience at this school)

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I have known and studied karate with Mr. Chalfant for 20 years now. He teaches the traditional karate that he learned from his instructors in the most professional and positive manor possible. He purchased the Komakai Karate Academy after Mr. Keeney offered to sell it to him in 2004. I would recommend him to anyone who wants to learn karate. My son, grandson, and I study with him and love it. We have all earned our black belts together and continue to train with Mr. Chalfant.

(1 of 1 People found this review helpful)

Great for kids

May 22 2012 by Mom (Parent of a Student with 3 - 5 Years Experience at this school)

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I very, very strongly recommend Mr. Chalfant’s Karate Academy to people. My grand-daughter Sally started studying with Mr. Chalfant and his wife when she was 6 now at age 10 she is a strong, confident, out going little girl. Her grades improved at school she gets along with others much better. She has become very respectful of others and treats people kindly. She learned this through Mr. and Mrs. Chalfant’s example. She is becoming the young lady that I want her to be.

(1 of 1 People found this review helpful)

Great for focus concentration and self-confidence

May 22 2012 by Dad (Parent of a Student with 3 - 5 Years Experience at this school)

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Our daughter had trouble with concentration and focus in school, self-discipline, and low self-confidence. We tried many different things to try to help her overcome these issues with no prevail. She also plays softball and has loved it every since she was able to swing a bat. Even in softball she has trouble concentrating and gives up easily when tasks become hard. As a result of these things she developed a major decrease in confidence. We enrolled her in Chalfant’s Komakai Karate with hope. The Sensei told us that karate would help to teach our daughter to improve concentration, increase self-discipline, respect, and give our daughter confidence. As she learned self-defense and leadership skills, working her way from the basic white belt up to black belt, we did noti8ce a difference. She does have more confidence! We noticed that her respect for others is improving as well. Her schoolteacher this year states the she tries very hard and is a joy in class. Her dad says her softball game has improved as a direct result fro9m lessons taught by Chalfant’s Komakai Karate. Chalfant’s Komakai Academy of Karate teaches leadership skills that are invaluable for children today. We are very proud of our daughter and her accomplishments and we highly commend Chalfant’s for their hard work and desire to instill leadership and confidence in today’s youth.

(1 of 1 People found this review helpful)

Great Program

May 22 2012 by Grand Parents (Parent of a Student with 5 - 10 Years Experience at this school)

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Our grandson has come a long way from being shy and quiet. Since enrolling him in Chalfant's Komakai Academy of karate he has gained self-confidence and a since of pride. He is making good grades. In the leadership he is learning the art of self-defense as well as how to be thoughtful and courteous to others.

(1 of 1 People found this review helpful)

Chalfants Karate A Blessing

May 22 2012 by Well Blessed (Parent of a Student with 3 - 5 Years Experience at this school)

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Karate has helped our son tremendously. He is a happy, healthy five-year-old boy, which is due in part to karate. Our son has always had a mind of his own, and a little over a year ago we decided we needed to do something to help him control himself and head off any problems that might arise otherwise. We enrolled him in Chalfant’s Komakai Academy of Karate. He is now respectful and patient, and has learned a great deal of self-discipline. He loves karate, and never minds going to practices. He even practices at home. He really enjoys the things he is learning and has made new friends in class. He is now very athletic and strong. We have also noticed a change in his confidence level. He attempts new things and seems to have a sense of accomplishment when he does well. He sets goals for himself and keeps trying until he reaches them. He also does many things we thought a five-year-old incapable of. He has learned several moves and even remembers their Japanese names! Mr. Chalfant is such a great influence on our son. In a world where it is difficult to trust people, he is someone we would trust with our son’s life. He is a great role model for our son. Our son is very impressed by the kind of man Mr. Chalfant is. He models himself after Mr. Chalfant. At Christmas, our son asked what we were getting for Mr. and Mrs. Chalfant. He sees them as a part of our extended family. Our son has not always been comfortable around people he doesn’t know well, but he took to Mr. and Mrs. Chalfant immediately. The Chalfant’s and karate have been a blessing to our family.

(2 of 2 People found this review helpful)

Fun, Safe, Great

May 22 2012 by Mark (Parent of a Student with 1 - 3 Years Experience at this school)

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I highly recomend Chalfant's Karate to anyone who wants their kids to learn quality martial arts. Mr. Chalfant and his staff have helped my son and daughter gain so much self confidence. They were being bullied at school and on the bus ride to and from school after training with Mr. Chalfant for a while these problems went away. Mr. Chalfant teaches non violent methods of dealing with bullies. If you live in Henry County and want you or your kids to learn martial arts this is the place to be.

(0 of 6 People found this review helpful)


Sep 08 2011 by Tom (Parent of a Student with 3 - 6 Months Experience at this school)

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Once you sign a contract he don't care about you anymore. He will sue if you get behind, he won't work with you at all if you have money problems.

(3 of 3 People found this review helpful)

Womens Health

Oct 26 2010 by Optical Manager (Familiar with the School , No Personal Experience at this school)

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Kevin and Vickie Chalfant:

The Wal-Mart Vision Center would like to thank you for your participation in the Speaking of Women's Health health fair. It was so nice of you to take time out of your day to help spread the message of women's health in our community. Your dedication to the commuinity and its citizens is greatly appreciated.

Thank you again for helping us with the health fair.

Treasa Hamilton Optical Manager

The Wal-Mart Vision Center

New Castle, IN

(3 of 3 People found this review helpful)

Blue River Valley High School

Oct 26 2010 by PE Instructor (Familiar with the School , No Personal Experience at this school)

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Mr. Chalfant taught a one week unit on karate at Blue River Valley High School. The Class was given to our two elective physical education classes. The enrollment of the classes consists of sophomores, juniors, and seniors.

Mr. Chalfant taught the 10 basic steps of self defense. the class was very successful and the students enjoyed the class. The students mastered the 10 steps with the skillful teaching of Mr. Chalfant.

The manner in which Mr. Chalfant conducted his class was very professional. We observed an excellent rapport with all of our students, and the informaiton learned will benefit everyone involved. Mr. Chalfant spent time after school with interested faculty members. They were very impressed with his teaching methods.

We would recommend Mr. Chalfant to any organization. We feel his karate teaching will benefit anyone who he comes into contact with. It was a very positive learning experience for our studnets at Blue River Valley.

Student Responses

"He is a great karate teacher who relates well with his students." Angie

"He had a lot to teach and he made it fun to learn. He is very good with people." Mindy

He is a great karate teacher. I think he relates well with young people and makes learning fun." Jennie

I liked the way he demonstrated the moves and then went around to make sure we were doing them correctly. I also liked the way he talked to us at the end of each demonstration." Michele


Ms. Linda Poor and Mr. Mike Wade

Physical Education Instructor

(3 of 3 People found this review helpful)

Tri Elementary School

Oct 26 2010 by R Malloy (Familiar with the School , No Personal Experience at this school)

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Dear Mr. Chalfant,

On behalf of the students and staff of Spiceland and Tri Elementary Schools, I would like to thank you and your staff for taking time from your busy schedule to come and speak with us today. You did a great job! Your program on respect really delivered the message we want our students to hear and put inot practice. I feel that our student's came away with a better understanding of what respect is and how it ap[plies to them in becoming a better peron. The kids also really enjoyed tghe emonstrations ginve duing the presentation. The demonstrations allowed them to see thgat karate is an art that requires dicipline and dedication. It let all of eth children see that karate is an activity in which that can all participate. Hopefully, some of our students will take you up on your offer for 30 days of free lessons.

Again, I thak you. People like you really make a difference in our community and in the lives of our children. You provide a positive role model who demonstrates to our children the importance and bendfits of being a person of strong, moral character.


Robert M. Malloy


(3 of 3 People found this review helpful)

Where the leaders of tomarrow begin training today

Oct 26 2010 by R&D Mogg (Parent of a Student with 3 - 5 Years Experience at this school)

Quality of Instruction:
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This letter is to recommend Chalfant's Komakai Academy of Karate and the instruction that our son, Ryan received from Sensei Chalfant. The program that the academy provides has instilled a confidence in our son that was not evident before classes began. He has a better self worth, physical fitness, and overall sense of well being, not to mention a confidence of knowing self defense. He has achieved the rank of Junior Black Belt, which has been his goal from the start. Sensei Chalfant stresses goal setting in his program, and provides all of the means for individual goals to be realized.

We would rocommend this program to anyone interested in the martial arts or wanting to learn self defense techniques.


Roger & Dawn Mogg

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