Chad Von Dette is a Hall of Fame self-defense master, an international speaker and fight scene choreographer. In 2006 he created the name and developed the fighting techniques for the lauded documentary "Just Yell Fire". Just Yell Fire has evolved from a free film to a 501c3 non-profit and is now the countries' leading teen safety organization. Spanning the entire United States and more than 60 countries, Von Dette's self-defense system is being used by the National Security Agency (NSA), Ivy League Universities (MIT), middle and high schools throughout the U.S., law enforcement agencies and battered women's shelters.
Von Dette is a master of fighting techniques, holding six black belts and has dissected more than thirty martial arts and combat systems. His self-preservation formula is second to none and has been featured on Good Morning America, CNN, Fox News, ABC News, Today Show, Montel Williams Show, People Magazine and many other local and national media outlets. Chad's ability to teach automatic responses to everyday people in a short period of time is what makes his lessons so valuable. Using a scientific approach Von Dette blends multiple fighting philosophies, concepts, techniques and training drills creating a hybrid self-defense system. Chad is a phenomenal instructor who will elevate your ability to defend you and your family.