Welcome to the Bujinkan Roselle Dojo. Our system of martial arts are collectively called Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu, it is comprised of nine schools of old Japanese martial arts dating back nearly 900 years.
At the Bujinkan Roselle Dojo we offer classes for Kids starting at five years old, and adult classes starting at seventeen years old.
Classes include:
Rolling, Flips, break falls
Striking, Kicking
Grappling, throws
Staff, Sword, Chain, throwing weapons, and many other weapons
Japanese Culture
Our dojo is currently under construction and will be open in October of 2018, current classes are being held in an office building until the Grand opening. If you sign up now or in our opening month, new dojo members will receive a discounted monthly rate.
About Kids Classes:
Bujinkan Roselle Dojo, isn’t just another place for after school activities for students. It is a place to further education, develop character, and build discipline. Unlike school sports, martial arts are personal physical activities that can be enjoyed and practiced throughout life. In the Bujinkan, our grandmaster is 87 years old and still actively teaching. Sports are great, but martial arts are special type of practice and activity.
For children, training in the Bujinkan is exciting, classes develop their attention and improve their ability to learn. They will be taught a sense of morality and ethics, how to treat and interact with others as well as developing confidence. Students will be empowered by a sense of accomplishment.
Moral education is taught in a Japanese way, they will foster values of respect, courtesy, honesty, perseverance, sincerity, and integrity. These values are taught through both physical training and through stories. Students will learn to think about others and themselves and their place in society. A dojo is a community, not just a place for martial arts.
Your child will learn to endure and persevere. Your child will develop a never-give-up attitude to overcome obstacles and increase their capacity. Students will become future leaders, lifting not only themselves up, but those around them. They will grow in mind and body able to meet any adversity head-on and overcome it. They will become natural goal setters and achievers.