The three main schools of study at Bujinkan Glimme Dojo are the Bujinkan from Japan, Hoshin Roshi Ryu from America and Systema from Russia. The concepts that the various schools convey are much more important than the techniques. While techniques can be broken down, repeated, drilled to perfection; concepts serve as a guide, a compass, a route to the proper path for each individual to best live their life. Ura (inner) is all that matters; Developing our own potential, our own abilities and freeing ourselves of fear. Poznai sebia, know thy self, is vital to living a happy and healthy life. Knowing the ura, the omote (outer) techniques of protecting and being protected become clear.
Hand to Hand classes teach warrior techniques built upon the three martial art principles, the five elemental movements and the eight basic methods that all martial art systems are founded on. Techniques evolve creatively and effectively from your aptitude and understanding of these principles, movements and methods. Sword & Weapon class is dedicated to the study of sword, pole arms, and other warrior tools. Basics of the class is in Japanese swordsmanship, kenjutsu. Proficiently moving towards other cultural variations covering methods of Japan, Philippines, China, Russia and Europe.
Ed Glimme has been involved in warrior traditions for 20 years. His placement in nature is Wind; Bujinkan, Shodan; Hoshin Roshi Ryu, Kyoshi;
Systema practitioner.