Our mission is to help all children become happy, healthy, confident and responsible individuals, in a safe, fun, positive and nurturing environment.
Men, women and children of all ages can participate in America's Best Karate programs. Each student, regardless of age, progresses at their own rate. Emphasis is placed on the individuals abilities. Students, as young as 4 and as old as 70, have discovered the rewards of the program. Discipline, confidence and self esteem are traits that everyone can benefit from throughout their lifetime.
WHAT WE TEACH: The core of our program is Tae Kwon Do, (pronounced Tie Kwan Doe) which is one of the oldest and most effective means of self-defense. It is much more than a method of unarmed combat. Practiced as an exercise system it works wonders for your physical and mental well-being, your coordination sharpens, reflexes quicken, breathing becomes controlled, muscle tone improves, and your overall strength and endurance increases dramatically.
All new students at America's Best karate start with an introductory program designed to give them a chance to visit the school, meet the instructor and find out about the benefits of the martial arts. In the introductory session, which consists of 2 lessons, we will show you many exercises to develop your flexibility and self-defense skills. We will cover how and why to bow as a sign of respect, the "yes sir/ no sir- yes ma'am/ no ma'am" rule also as a sign of respect as well as emphasis on the correct places to use martial arts.