im Walker was first introduced to the martial art of Kung Fu through a parks and recreation department in the late 70's. In 1980, he joined a Korean karate school that was ironically teaching kenpo self defense techniques. Two and one half years later, 1983, while searching for a school whose priority was instruction geared for street encounters instead of sport tournaments, Mr. Walker enrolled in a Shaolin Kempo school. As a Kempo brown belt in 1985, he started teaching children and adult classes. In January of 1986 he was awarded his 1st degree black belt in Shaolin Kempo, then in December of 1987 he was promoted to 2nd degree black belt.
In June 1989 he was promoted to the full instructor rank of 3rd degree black. Moving to Lee County, Florida, the Walker family met 1st generation Ed Parker Kenpo Karate black belt Lee Wedlake Jr. In EP American Kenpo, Tim found a martial art dedicated to teaching self defense for today's world. So when Lee Wedlake opened his kenpo school in Fort Myers in January of 1992, Mr.Walker was one of the first students to enroll.
Starting over again learning another martial art, he earned his second first degree black belt in September of 1995 from Lee Wedlake and two years later Lee again promoted Tim to second degree black belt in April of 1997. During the 1980's Mr. Walker started researching crime statistics, articles and interviews with criminals, as well as crime prevention and avoidance strategies. Through Wedlake's Karate, he became an instructor in a community service women's awareness program and for over 10 yrs gave lectures and demonstrations to men, women, church groups, business groups, and elementary school children. Specializing in crime avoidance he attended training and became an NRA nationally certified "Refuse to be a Victim" instructor. [August 1997]