Kickboksen Kootwijkerbroek 'Narong Gym'
Kickboxing Kootwijkerbroek in the region Barneveld is a school for Kickboxing, Muay Thai and selfdefense. The school has youth classes in the 'hanuman' group The schook focuses on absolute beginners, recreants, and conpetition fighters who want to fight in the ring.
The teacher is Leroy van Wermeskerken and he has studies sports and has a teaching degree for sportsteacher. He also has experience in Shaolin Kungfu and Pencak Silat. Besides teaching kickboxing he works as a personal trainer and wants to expand Narong Gym in the Barneveld region.
The school is open to any new member and welcomes men and women to the school. The school has a nice atmosphere and the team feeling is great and classes are as completr as possible. Besides Kickboxing, also Muay Thai elements and Muay Boran is taught by Kru Leroy van Wermeskerken.